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Mr Western and his nephew were not known to one another; nor indeed would the former have taken any notice of the latter if he had known him; for, this being a stolen match, and consequently an unnatural one in the opinion of the good squire, he had, from the time of her committing it, abandoned the poor young creature, who was then no more than eighteen, as a monster, and had never since suffered her to be named in his presence.

He was afraid that he might have betrayed his real feelings in the matter; but Caffyn was too much a man of the world to believe him: he only thought that the other either had independent means of proving his claim when he chose, or felt convinced that it would be proved for him without the necessity of committing himself to any alliance or compromise.

"Because, sir, Harry Boyden is a gentle, brave and honest man, and utterly incapable of committing such a crime," cried Violet, with much feeling. "Besides, sir, he can have had no possible reason for wishing her dead." "Are you sure of that?" "Absolutely!" "What are your relations with Boyden?"

"It is possible," thought I, "in seeking after comfort, to get into the wrong road. I am afraid my young friends are about committing this error." I not only suggested as much to Brainard soon afterwards, but actually presented a serious remonstrance against the course of life he had adopted.

"All, my good friend," replied M'Carthy, "that argument won't pass with me. Many. a man there is and I dare say you know it well who feels a strong scruple against committing murder with his own hands, who, notwithstanding, will not scruple to employ others to commit it for him." "Do you refuse to come with me, then? because if you do to-morrow mornin' will rise upon your corpse.

The Puritan who does not believe that a man can be a good man because he is a Ritualist or a Roman Catholic, is committing the very same error as the Ritualist or the Roman Catholic who does not believe that the Puritan can be a Christian unless he has been 'christened. The two people are exactly the same, only the one has hold of the stick at one end, and the other at the other.

The Chambre Ardente charges me with a crime; but, as I hope to die a Christian's death, though it may be by the executioner's hand I am free from all blood-guiltiness. Not by my hand not by any crime of my committing, was it that the unfortunate Cardillac came to his end."

"Which makes you uncomfortable?" interrupted the young girl mockingly. "Yes, but for your sake only," said he, coldly. "For mine?" "Certainly. I fear your committing an imprudence which might harm you." "Yes; but you with me! And it is that only which makes you afraid." The Prince looked at Mademoiselle de Cernay, smilingly. Changing his tone, he took her hand in his.

The girl who stood near the red-haired woman, with only a shirt on her back, and clinging with one hand to the woman's skirt, attentively listened to the abusive words the men were exchanging with the women, and repeated them in a whisper, as if committing them to memory. The twelfth was the daughter of a church clerk and chanter who had drowned her child in a well.

You think it no evil to inflame a poor heart, and you perorate as warmly in your deliriums of love as the wretched lawyer who comes with red eyes from a suit he has lost. You play the infant prodigy in making sport of suffering; you find it amusing to occupy your leisure moments in committing murder by means of little pin pricks. "What will you say to the living God, when your work is finished?