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As soon as his judgment convinced him that a thing ought to be done he set about doing it. Recently, I asked one of the most perspicacious members of his Cabinet, "What do you consider Theodore's dominant trait" He thought for a while, and then replied, "Combativeness." No doubt the public also, at least while Roosevelt was in office, thought of him first as a fighter.

But, in one matter, he had a peculiarity about which there could be no mistake. That was in the matter of music. So, after questioning the Professor about various indifferent points, moral and intellectual, such as reverence, combativeness, secretiveness, language, ideality, etc., I asked incidentally something also about tune and music.

EXPERIMENTAL. As an experimental investigation I have many thousand times excited the organs of the brain in intelligent persons and made them realize or show the effects as I stimulated the intellect, the emotions, the passions or the physiological functions, so as to bring out Memory, Intuition, Somnolence, Spirituality, Love, Religion, Hope to ecstasy, Pride, Arrogance, Combativeness, Avarice, Hunger, Theft, Insanity, Sleep, Mirth, Grief, etc., etc., and the organs that change the action of the heart, the muscular strength and the bodily temperature.

Yet, in spite of Metastasio, Blanche and I are not so intimate as cousins ought to be. If we are by accident alone, I become as silent as a Turk, as formal as Sir Charles Grandison. I caught myself calling her Miss Blanche the other day. "It all comes of my citrate of iron: nothing like it for children; it has an effect on the cerebral developments of hope and combativeness."

Especially distasteful to him was this rich and favored youth, whose presence awakened all his combativeness, which was by no means small. Mr. Mellen's most inopportune interruption and covert taunts provoked him beyond endurance. His face was fairly white with rage, and for a moment he felt that he could stamp his rival out of existence. In the low, concentrated voice of passion he said, "If Mr.

The real fact is that I want to hear Elsmere. 'You had better go, my dear! said her husband sardonically. 'I cannot imagine anything more piquant than an atheistic slum on Easter Eve. 'Nor can I! she replied, her combativeness rousing at once. 'Much obliged to you, Hugh. I will borrow my housekeeper's dress, and be ready to leave here at half-past seven.

Michael Ragstroar's mysterious attraction to his great-aunt at Hammersmith was not discountenanced or neutralised by his family in Sapps Court, but rather the reverse: in fact, his visits to her received as much indirect encouragement as his parents considered might be safely given without rousing his natural combativeness, and predisposing him against the ounce of influence which she alone exercised over his rebellious instincts.

He had in him curiously mingled the elements of the Puritan and the Cavalier the uncompromising persistency of the one, and the chivalrous impulse and openhandedness of the other. The old man had too many crotchets and too much combativeness to be popular. He spared no opinion or habit he did not like. He struck every angle within reach of him.

It needs not to tell in detail what history has told of that tragic night: how the doors at last were forced, and the mob rushed in; how citizens and friends, and many of the monks themselves, their instinct of combativeness overcoming their spiritual beliefs, fought valiantly, and used torches and crucifixes for purposes little contemplated when they were made.

'Except, I believe, the Enterprise, which is a sister vessel. By heaven! it's a fair match, continued Cain, his feelings of combativeness returning for a moment; 'and it will look like a craven to refuse the fight: but fear not, Francisco I have promised you, and I shall keep my word. Cain went on deck, and surveyed the vessel through the glass.