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No man could run as you ran down into this village. And I saw that body you're wearing when you weren't in it! I followed you up the cliff when " Coburn's voice was ragingly sarcastic "when you were taking pictures!" Dillon's face went impassive. Then he said: "Well?" "Will you let me scratch your finger?" demanded Coburn almost hysterically.

"If Henri has taken over Coburn's job he may go down to the mill as Coburn did. Hadn't we better wait and see?"

He invited me to come over and keep him company; and as I thought I could turn an honest penny as well as have a little recreation, I packed up my faro tools and went into the dark and bloody ground back of Covington. When any strangers came along, I opened up and caught all that was in sight. As the time for the fight drew near, a number of Coburn's friends came on from New York.

"That you, Archer?" came in what Willis believed he recognized as the captain's voice. "I've had rather a nasty jar, a letter from Madeleine Coburn. Wants Coburn's share in the affair, and hints at knowledge of what we're really up to. Reads as if she was put up to it by someone, probably that Merriman. Hold on a minute and I'll read it to you." Then followed Madeleine's letter.

Further, an understanding as to Mr. Coburn's own position had been come to. He had practically admitted that the syndicate was a felonious conspiracy, and had stated that he would do almost anything to get out of it. Finally he had promised a decision on the whole question in three days' time. Quite a triumph, Merriman thought.

Hallen's expression was uneasy and compassionate but utterly unbelieving. Helena shivered and turned away her face. Coburn's lips went taut. He reached down to his desk. He made a sudden, abrupt gesture. Hallen caught his breath and started up. Coburn said curtly: "Another one of them. Helena, is that foam-suit comfortable?" The girl jerked her face around. She looked frightened.

Army planes had flown northward in the darkness, moved by the Mayor's, and Coburn's, and Janice's tale of Bulgarian soldiers on Greek soil, sleeping soundly. They had released parachute flares and located the village of Náousa. Parachutists with field radios had jumped, while other flares burned to light them to the ground. That was that.

"It was your joint work I was speaking of," Willis insisted. "But now to get on to business. As I said, my difficulty is that I suspect the members of the syndicate of complicity in Mr. Coburn's death, but I can't prove it. I have thought out a plan which may or may not produce this proof. It is in this that I want your help." "Mr. Inspector," cried Madeleine reproachfully, "need you ask for it?"

That night I encamped at Eagleville, and next day reported to Granger at Franklin, arriving in the midst of much excitement prevailing on account of the loss of Coburn's brigade, which had been captured the day before a little distance south of that point, while marching to form a junction with a column that had been directed on Columbia from Murfreesboro'. Shortly after Coburn's capture General Granger had come upon the scene, and the next day he advanced my division and Minty's troops directly on Spring Hill, with a view to making some reprisal; but Van Dorn had no intention of accommodating us, and retired from Spring Hill, offering but little resistance.

From the moment they had first sighted the ship until they had left the manager's house at the conclusion of the game of bridge, not five minutes ago, he had been in Mr. Coburn's company. Next day it was understood they were to meet again, so that if the manager wished to carry out any secret operations they could only be done during the night.