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Updated: August 6, 2024

They were the grocers. Pliny nodded. "An' Lumley and Penny mixin' it in with dry goods, and Atwell minglin' it with clothin'." Scattergood reached down and unlaced his shoes. His mind worked more freely when his toes were unconfined, so that he might wriggle them as he reasoned. Pliny knew the sign and grinned. "Much 'bleeged," said Scattergood, and Pliny moved off. "Pliny," said Scattergood.

Foive-and-twenty privits an' a orficer av the Line in review ordher, an' not as much as wud dust a fife betune 'em all in the way of clothin'! Eight av us had their belts an' pouches on; but the rest had gone in wid a handful av cartridges an' the skin God gave thim. They was as nakid as Vanus. "'Number off from the right! sez the Lift'nint.

As I see this, and not knowin' what would ensue and take place in her clothin', I cast onto the wind my own fears, and the shrinkin' timidity of my sect, and graspin' my umbrell in my hand, I run along by the side of the lofty quadreped, a-tryin' to reach up and fix her a little. But I could not; her position wuz too lofty, the mount wuz too precipitous on which she sot.

And that is what ministers of our Lord and his disciples want to do to-day, to drive out of the temple and the country the fat thieves that infest it, and the sanctified rascals wearin' sheep's clothin'. They have got a powerful whip in a consecrated ballot that will drive the thieves out and make them disgorge their ill-gotten gains."

It gives ye some idee iv th' kind iv gloryous governmint we're livin' undher, to see our fair Columbia puttin' her brave young arms out an' defindin' th' products iv our soil fr'm steel rails to porous plasthers, hooks an' eyes, artyficial horse hair an' bone casings, which comes undher th' head iv clothin' an' I suppose is a polite name f'r pantaloons.

"Yes, that's the name 'Ome of Hindustry, what sends off so many ragged boys to Canada under Miss Macpherson." "Ay, Bobby, it does a great deal more than that," returned the girl. "Sending off poor boys and girls to Canada is only one branch of its work. If you'd bin to its tea-meetin's for the destitute, as I have, an' its clothin' meetin's and its mothers' meetin's, an "

Can't you understand that the love of God in the heart makes men and women wish to try to keep God's commandments by bein' kind to one another, an' considering the poor, an' feedin' the hungry, an' clothin' the naked?" "Right you are, Fink," said Lockley, with a nod of approval, which was repeated by several of those around.

So while the zeal of the convert wuz on her, and she didn't feel like disputin', the girls made her some red dresses, and some yeller ones, and had some white streamers put onto a white bunnet she had. And they bought themselves the most gorgeous and gay clothin' Jonesville and Loontown afforded. Oren is well off, and he wouldn't stent 'em in such a cause as this no, indeed!

"A kind of four-flushin' hombre a coyote in sheep's clothin', I should judge," drawled Kid Wolf. "Thet just about describes him," the woman agreed. "But yo' sho'ly aren't alone on yo' ranch. Wheah's yo' men?" asked The Kid. "They quit last week." "Quit?" The Kid's eyebrows went up a trifle. "All of them five in all, includin' the foreman.

"Having, therefore, had the necessary means of educating a son for the church, he has accordingly prepared this young man with much anxiety and expense for Maynooth." "Plase your lordship," said Denis, "Docthor Finnerty is clothin' it betther than I could do. My heart is fixed upon seein' him what we all expect him to be, your lordship." "Mr.

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