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It iss a wolf that will be livin' inside o' me for the last few tays a hungry wolf too an' nothin' for him to eat. That's right, Okematan, on wi' the kettle; it iss yourself that knows what it iss to starve. Blow up the fire, Peter Tavidson. You're a cliver boy for your age, an' hes goot lungs, I make no doubt."

"Ah, but it's a cliver trick, no doubt of it!" "What a capital dodge!" said Fred, crouching behind the hummock, and watching the movements of the Esquimaux with deep interest. "West, hand me the little telescope; you'll find it in the pack." "Here it is, sir," said the man, pulling out a glass of about six inches long, and handing it to Fred. "How many is there, an' ye plaze?"

Varley's heart beat high, and her face flushed with pride as she gazed at her son, who laid the rifle on the table for her inspection, while he rattled off an animated and somewhat disjointed account of the match. "Deary me! now that was good, that was cliver. But what's that scraping at the door?" "Oh! that's Fan; I forgot her. Here! here! Fan!

Och, Bryan, yer too cliver, ye are!" he exclaimed, rectifying his error with a force that nearly tore off the dog-head. At that instant there was a sharp crack, and the deer, bounding into the air, fell dead on the sand at the edge of the willows. "Forgive me, Bryan," said Massan, chuckling and reloading his piece as he walked up to his comrade.

"Belike now he's of the opinion the sun doesn't dhrop down out of the sky of an evenin'," said little old Mrs. O'Beirne, with sarcasm. "What does the ould body expec'?" "I dunno, ma'am, I dunno. Sure it's agin nathur and raison. There's meself gettin' as grey as a badger, and noways that supple as I was. But me father's a terrible cliver man.

Oh, they be cliver creturs, and they'll do what they likes with old Nick, when they gets there, for 'tis the old gentlemen they cozens the best; and then," continued the Corporal, waxing more and more loquacious, for his appetite in talking grew with that it fed on, "then there be another set o' queer folks you'll see in Lunnon, Sir, that is, if you falls in with 'em, hang all together, quite in a clink.

It's weel you ken." "Then, can you give security for the debt?" "I canna and wadn't give it if I could. There's ways a cliver agent can run up a reckoning, and when you want Mireside I'll have to gan." "Then, I'm afraid we shall be forced to break the lease and take measures to recover the sum due." "Hoad on a minute!" said one of the group, who turned to Railton. "Would you like to stop?"

But Mulvaney an' me stopped thot, knowin' Orth'ris's work, though niver so cliver, was nobbut skin-deep. An' at last Mrs. DeSussa fixed t' day for startin' to Munsooree Pahar. We was to tek Rip to t' stayshun i' a basket an' hand him ovver just when they was ready to start, an' then she'd give us t' brass as was agreed upon. An' my wod!

This man, leaping on his own horse, which was a very fine one, dashed after the runaway, with which he came up in a few minutes; then grasping the long coil of line that hung at his saddle-bow, he swung it round once or twice, and threw the lasso, or noose, adroitly over the mule's head, and brought it up. "Yer a cliver fellow," said Larry, as he came up, panting; "sure ye did it be chance?"

"And, faith, but it's a cliver boy you are," said the weary one admiringly, when the other had explained his method. "Then come along, Paddy, and stick 'em up." Mr Button said he had no rope, that he'd have to think about it, that to-morrow or next day he'd be after getting some notion how to do it without rope.