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And Dangerfield, just before mounting, popped into Cleary's shop, and in his grim, laconic way, asked the proprietor, among his meal-bags and bacon, about fifty questions in less than five minutes.

She is better as a hundert ladies she is joost a plain vomans who keeps a express office over dere Cleary's Express. You don't know it? Vell, dot's your fault. Dot's her boy Bobby outside de door. He has been up vid his fadder to de Grand Central for some sideboards and sofas I been buyin'. You vant to look at 'em ven dey git unloaded.

He walked the six blocks to Cleary's, just around the corner from the house Riles's house, Kai's house he couldn't call it home exactly, although he'd spent more winters than he cared to remember in the basement studio reserved for caretakers or indigent relatives.

It was impudently pretended that I had behaved very unhandsomely, in producing and publishing a private letter of Cleary's; though the fact was, that it was a public letter written upon public business, by a man who was a sort of public general secretary for all public matters debated on and meetings held in Westminster, and who was also the paid secretary to Major Cartwright and the Hampden Club!

Cleary's and working in Mr. Kling's store. I had but a few pounds left after paying my passage and there was no one from whom I could borrow, even if I had been so disposed; so work of some kind was necessary. It may be just as well for me to tell you, too, that nobody at home knows where I am, and that but two persons in New York know me at all.

Widow Cleary's affair was an unlucky one for me, and indeed, Mat, it was the activity and resolution that I displayed in making herself and her spawn of ragged brats prisoners at the head of the Possy Comeatus, aided by the military, that first brought me into notice with the Castle."

We have two unbiased witnesses unbiased, mind you who will swear that the accident was Miss Cleary's own fault. And " there was the hint of an evil smile on the thin lips, as they released the final words very slowly "and Miss Cleary's own affidavit to that effect." For the moment the words seemed a jumble to Hal. Meaning, dire and disastrous, informed them, as he repeated them to himself.

The reasons that had brought the London law clerk to Fort Royal a journey of hundreds of miles through the wilderness gave me no concern; but I knew what Father Cleary's visit meant, and what would follow speedily on his arrival. Surely, I reflected, there could be no man living more wretched than myself. I thought I had become resigned to the loss of Flora, but now I knew that it was a delusion.

A new and fresh scent had crossed the trail one it might be wise to follow. "You work here?" he asked. He had taken his measure in a glance and was ready to use him. "No, I work in John Cleary's express office," grunted the tramp. "Mr. O'Day wanted me to come over and help for New Year's." "What's he got to do with you?" "He got me my job." "He's an Englishman, ain't he?"

"Does this man work over at Cleary's express?" "He does. Vy?" "Oh, nothing. I may want him later. And, say!" "Vell," again replied Otto. "Git wise and surprise that little girl of yours with something else she'll never wear that mantilla. So long," and he strode out of the store.