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So he collared the astounded onion-peeler, and despite all he could say, dragged him straightway before the magistrate, where his scientific zeal suffered a dreadful quencher in the shape of an affidavit that the "onion" was worth four thousand florins about $1600 and in the immediate judgment of the Court, which "considered" that the prisoner be forthwith clapt into jail until he should give security for the amount.

Well, it was in the ship I now belongs to, the Oudacious we were with the squadron off Ferrol; signal made to chase south-east clapt every stitch on her after two gun-boats who were running down in-shore. Light winds got well in for the land, and then it fell calm.

So into a carriage we got; in came Madame's box and my bag; Madame stood at the door, and, I think, frightened away intending passengers, by her size and shrillness. At last the bell rang her into her place, the door clapt, the whistle sounded, and we were off. I had passed a miserable night, and, indeed, for many nights had not had my due proportion of sleep.

They were soon discovered worshiping in the manor-house chapel, by the ecclesiastical authorities of Yorkshire, and for more than a year were subjected to persecution, some being "taken and clapt up in prison," others having "their houses besett and watcht night and day and hardly escaped their hands." At length they determined to leave England for Holland.

Well, for four days he was goin' evermore, until at last the waiver seen a crowd o' people runnin' as if owld Nick was at their heels, and they shoutin' a thousand murdhers and cryin', 'The dhraggin, the dhraggin! and he couldn't stop the horse nor make him turn back, but away he pelted right forninst the terrible baste that was comin' up to him, and there was the most nefaarious smell o' sulphur, savin' your presence, enough to knock you down; and, faith the waiver seen he had no time to lose, and so he threw himself off the horse and made to a three that was growin' nigh hand, and away he clambered up into it as nimble as a cat; and not a minit had he to spare, for the dhraggin kem up in a powerful rage, and he devoured the horse body and bones, in less than no time; and then he began to sniffle and scent about for the waiver, and at last he clapt his eye an him, where he was, up in the three, and says he, 'In throth, you might as well come down out o' that, says he; 'for I'll have you as sure as eggs is mate.

The Earl of Argyle was a more solemn sort of man, grave and sober, free of all scandalous vices. Swift. As a man is free of a corporation, he means. Burnet. The Lord Wharton and the Lord Howard of Escrick undertook to deliver some of these; which they did, and were clapt up upon it. Swift. Dignity of expression. Swift. Not one good quality named. Burnet. Swift. Not of love, I hope. Ibid. Burnet.

Ev'n what was act on open stage At Carlisle, in the hottest rage, When mercy was clapt in a cage, And pity dead, Such cruelty approv'd by every age, I shook my head. So many to curse, so few to pray, And some aloud huzza did cry; They cursed the rebel Scots that day, As they'd been nowt Brought up for slaughter, as that way Too many rowt.

While he was different in all qualities that I have mentioned or rather in their combination he also differed physically from most horses that we know, in this, that from his sides and clapt along them in repose was growing a pair of very fine sedate and noble wings.

So ended that mutiny, by the brave act of a brave man. The carpenter was clapt into irons himself, and given no less of the cat-o'-nine-tails than was good for him, and properly discharged at Tobago with such as had supported him.

One of the Spaniards who was by, seeing him give the fellow a barbarous cut with the hatchet which he aimed at his head, but struck into his shoulder, so that he thought he had cut the poor creature's arm off, ran to him, and entreating him not to murder the poor man, clapt in between him and the savage to prevent the mischief.