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"But, Mr. Scribe," said I, stroking my chin, "have you allowed for the walls, both main and sectional? They take up some space, you know." "Ah, I had forgotten that," tapping his forehead; "but," still ciphering on his paper, "that will not make up the deficiency." "But, Mr.

"There's my uncle talking politics," said Birotteau. "Monsieur Claparon has won his heart." "Devilish rogues, the newspapers," said Claparon. "Monsieur, the newspapers do all the mischief. They are useful sometimes, but they keep me awake many a night. I wish they didn't. I have put my eyes out reading and ciphering." "To go back to the ministers," said Pillerault, hoping for revelations.

So far as my small maid is concerned, I might suppose time to have stood for seven years as still as the mill did half an hour ago, since little Emma, Charley's sister, is exactly what Charley used to be. As to Tom, Charley's brother, I am really afraid to say what he did at school in ciphering, but I think it was decimals.

A new parson is a mighty change for the better, mostwise, we finds. Why, when I was a boy, we never had no schooling. And now mine goes and learns singing and jobrafy, and ciphering, and sich like. Not that I sees no good in it. We was a sight better off in the old times, when there weren't no schooling. Schooling harn't made wages rise, nor preaching neither."

There were there moneyers and great oneyers , men of metal discounters and counters sharp, grave, prudential faces eyes weak with ciphering by lamplight men who say to gold, Be thou paper, and to paper, Be thou turned into fine gold. Many a bustling, sharp-faced, keen-eyed writer too some perhaps speculating with their clients' property.

"Now we have talked long enough on this subject and must begin to put in practice the rule I have just laid down." "Yes, sir; I have my ciphering to do now. But, papa, must I learn the lessons over and rewrite the composition this afternoon? If you say I must, I'll have to miss the meeting of our society. I'd be very sorry for that and ashamed to have to tell why I wasn't there.

Other masters were content if they went through the regular daily stint of reading, writing, spelling, and ciphering, but he told them about men who made the most of themselves, and who had done great things, Cæsar, Augustus, Charlemagne, Alfred the Great.

To those writers their phrases have values which I think I am now acquainted with; and for the help of the reader I will here repeat certain of those words and phrases, and follow them with numerals which shall represent those values then we shall see the difference between a writer's ciphering and a mistaken reader's Precious stones, such as agate, jasper, etc. 5.

My recollection is that we did not think very highly of ourselves when we were in blue nankeen, a dull-colored fabric, too nearly of the complexion of the slates on which we did our ciphering. Emerson was not particularly distinguished in College.

That requires ciphering it will cost three hundred thousand dollars or seventy-five thousand pounds your money add for notions omitted in the addition column, one third, and it makes even money one hundred thousand pounds. Interest at five per cent, five thousand pounds a year. Now turn over the slate and count up freight. I make it upwards of twenty-five thousand pounds a year.