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Updated: August 11, 2024

I may be mistaken, but it seems to me that all the worry of the world is quite useless. When the dimpled darling toddles and lisps and chatters, the satisfaction he gives is unalloyed; for he is so small and insignificant, his demands so imperious, that the entire household dance attendance on the wee tyrant, and count it joy.

'Chatters, chatters, as he goes, Till all our nerves do quiver, For we may talk, or we may stop, But Hugh puns on forever, Ever, Hugh puns on forever." sang Rose, taking up the well-known air as she sprang over the rocks in advance of the rest. "We shall have to make an impromptu wigwam under the shelter of those rocks and beech-trees," said Mr.

When he spoke of his fears to Madame Desvarennes, the latter said: "These young girls are so senseless. The notion of marriage puts them in such an incomprehensible state! Look at my daughter. She chatters like a magpie and skips about like a kid. She has two glow-worms under her eyelids! As to Jeanne, that's another affair; she has the matrimonial melancholy, and has the air of a young victim.

It was almost noon the following day when Chief Mate Chatters of the whaleship Greenland, en route for Behring Sea, went into the forecastle to appraise some members of a crew hastily and informally shipped. "Shanghaiing," it was called. But one had to have men. One paid the waterfront "crimps" a certain sum and asked no questions. "Who the devil's this?"

Say, too, that the Opener-of-Roads thinks that this Woodpecker would be wise to fly north for a while in the company of one who watches by night, lest harm should come to a bird that pecks at the feet of the great and chatters of it in his nest." Then Zikali waved his hand and I went, wondering into what plot I had stumbled.

"There stands the 'peerless belle' of this assembly," returned Miss Patterson, looking across to Betsy Gilcrest, the center of a group of boys and girls. "Dear little girl!" continued Abby; "she appears in her airiest, sauciest mood to-night, and is clearly bent on enjoying life to its fullest extent. No one holds her head so prettily as Betty; no one laughs and chatters with such innocent gayety.

You girls, who have been among the hills, know how the bad guide chatters and gesticulates, and it is "Put your foot here;" and "Mind how you balance yourself there;" but the good guide walks on quietly, without a word, only with his eyes on you when need is, and his arm like an iron bar, if need be.

Our homestead is on the high bank of a rapid stream, where the water chatters noisily day and night: imagine a big old garden, neat flower-beds, beehives, a kitchen-garden, and below it a river with leafy willows, which, when there is a heavy dew on them, have a lustreless look as though they had turned grey; and on the other side a meadow, and beyond the meadow on the upland a terrible, dark pine forest.

"Listen, Señors! That is not the squeal of carts alone, which I hear. It is the carriage that has wheels made of little sticks, that chatters much when it moves. Americanos are coming, Señors." "Americanos!" Dade glanced quickly at Jack, mutely questioning.

But she would not look up. "You're going to live here, aren't you?" "Yes," she said. "I've only just come back," he went on. "I know," she said. "Oh! of course; that girl," jerking his head in the direction of the tea-table and laughing. "She told you. She's been here this afternoon, hasn't she? She chatters like anything. Don't you believe half she says." There was another pause.

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