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Updated: August 29, 2024

Then the clock struck midnight, and she felt herself aggrieved. "Deacon," she said sharply, "ye should mak the day day and the night night, and ye would if ye had a three weeks' ironing to do the morn. It has chappit twelve, sir." "Jenny, I'm not sleeplike to-night. There hae been ill words between David and me." "And I am mair than astonished at ye, deacon.

"He's kind o' late this mornin'; but there's the bell chappit three," he said as the signal was made from the bottom that men were about to come up. "That'll likely be him coming up."

Agnes laughed, but made no reply, for the voice of her mother came out of the dark: "Wha's that, Aggie, ye're haudin' sic a confab wi' in the middle o' the night? Ye tellt me ye had to sit up to yer lessons!" "I was busy at them, mither, whan Maister Cosmo chappit at the door." "Weel, what for lat ye him stan' there? Ye may hae yer crack wi' HIM as lang's ye like in rizzon, that is.

Enox Kirk, till it chappit twal, whilk was a lawfu' hour to gie a look at my ledger, just to see how things stood between us; and then, as time and tide wait for no man, I made the lass get the lantern, and came slipping my ways here to see what can be dune anent your affairs.

Under the guidance of his trusty attendant, Colonel Mannering, after threading a dark lane or two, reached the High Street, then clanging with the voices of oyster-women and the bells of pye-men; for it had, as his guide assured him, just' chappit eight upon the Tron. It was long since Mannering had been in the street of a crowded metropolis, which, with its noise and clamour, its sounds of trade, of revelry, and of license, its variety of lights, and the eternally changing bustle of its hundred groups, offers, by night especially, a spectacle which, though composed of the most vulgar materials when they are separately considered, has, when they are combined, a striking and powerful effect on the imagination.

"What made ye sae late?" said Mr. Jarvie, as I entered the dining-parlour of that honest gentleman; "it is chappit ane the best feek o' five minutes by-gane. Mattie has been twice at the door wi' the dinner, and weel for you it was a tup's head, for that canna suffer by delay.

Under the guidance of his trusty attendant, Colonel Mannering, after threading a dark lane or two, reached the High Street, then clanging with the voices of oyster-women and the bells of pye-men; for it had, as his guide assured him, just' chappit eight upon the Tron. It was long since Mannering had been in the street of a crowded metropolis, which, with its noise and clamour, its sounds of trade, of revelry, and of license, its variety of lights, and the eternally changing bustle of its hundred groups, offers, by night especially, a spectacle which, though composed of the most vulgar materials when they are separately considered, has, when they are combined, a striking and powerful effect on the imagination.

"It's chappit eight on every clock o' the town, and the sun's gaun down ahint the Corstorphine hills Whare can ye hae been sae late?" "Nae gate," answered Effie. "And wha was that parted wi' you at the stile?" "Naebody," replied Effie once more. "Nae gate? Naebody? I wish it may be a right gate, and a right body, that keeps folk out sae late at e'en, Effie."

I am glad of it I hate him, and I fear him. He knows too many of my secrets I know too many of his. But, no no no I need never attempt it, there are no means of over-reaching him. Well, Willie, what o'clock?" "Ele'en hours just chappit, sir." "Go to your desk without, child," said the scrivener.

"Jist as the clock o' the castel chappit the deid o' the nicht, the clamour o' v'ices was hard throu' the thunner an' the win, an' the warder luikin' doon frae the heich bartizan o' the muckle tooer, saw i' the fire flauchts, a company o' riders appro'chin' the castel, a' upo' gran' horses, he said, that sprang this gait an' that, an shot fire frae their een.

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