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The leader throws off his coat and stands thick and muscular in his blue jeans a roistering fellow with a red face, thick neck and chapped hands. "I'll pass 'em up," he says; "that's a man's work. You stand in the wagon and put 'em in." So he springs into the yard and the sheep huddle close into the corner, here and there raising a timid head, here and there darting aside in a panic.

"Oh, I ain't got any game," said the Boy desperately; "or, if I have, there's mighty little fun in it. However, I don't know as I want to walk ten hours again in this kind o' weather with an elephant on my back just for for the poetry o' the thing." He laid his chapped hands on the side board of the bunk and pulled himself up on his legs.

"Yes, my little man," Slightly anxiously replied, who had chapped knuckles. "Please, sir," Peter explained, "a lady lies very ill." She was lying at their feet, but Slightly had the sense not to see her. "Tut, tut, tut," he said, "where does she lie?" "In yonder glade." "I will put a glass thing in her mouth," said Slightly, and he made-believe to do it, while Peter waited.

There was the dust of field and barn on the edges of the thick hair about the ears; dust around the eyes and the nostrils. He was resting on one knee; over the other his hands were crossed enormous, powerful, coarsened hands, the skin so frayed and chapped that around the finger-nails and along the cracks here and there a little blood had oozed out and dried.

I looked such a ragamuffin on the journey that even the tramps eyed me askance; and then, as ill luck would have it, the cold winds and rain chapped my face and made it scaly like a fish. Now at last I am a European again, and I am conscious of it all over. Well, what am I to write to you? It's all so long and so vast that one doesn't know where to begin.

Before taking them he removed his gloves and displayed a pair of chapped and horny hands. "Why poor Fred!" cried Jacqueline, who remarked them in a moment, "what kind of almond paste do you use?" Much annoyed, he replied, curtly: "We all have to row, we have also to attend to the machinery. But that is only while we are cadets. Of course, such apprenticeship is very hard.

And as a further proof that stripping is a mode of milking which may give pain to the cow, it cannot be employed, when the teats are chapped, with so much ease to the cow as handling. The first requisite in the person that milks is, of course, the utmost cleanliness. Without this, the milk is unendurable. The udder should, therefore, be carefully cleaned before the milking commences.

Take two ounces of rhubarb, half an ounce of cloves, the same of cinnamon, and quarter of an ounce of mace; stew them in a pint and a half of water till one half is evaporated; then strain it and add half a pint of good spirits. Two tea-spoonsful is a dose for a child a year old, with the summer disease, and two table-spoonsful for a grown person. For Chapped Lips.

Do not work the horse till well. For rheumatism, sprains, burns, swelling, bruises, or any inflammation on man or beast, chapped hands or lips, black eyes, or any kind of bruises. Take of fresh butter 2 lbs.; tincture of iodine, 1/2 oz.; oil of origanum, 2 ozs.; mix well for fifteen minutes, and it is fit for use; apply it every night; rub it in well with your hand.

There is a sense of heat and quiet all over nature. The birds are silent. The little brooks are dried up. The earth is chapped with parching. The shadows of the trees are particularly grateful, heavy, and still. The oaks, which are freshest because latest in leaf, form noble clumpy canopies; looking, as you lie under them, of a strong and emulous green against the blue sky.