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"My name's Hopalong Cassidy of the Bar-20, an' when I tell my friends about what you've gone an' done they'll make you hard to find! You gimme any kind of a chance an' I'll do it all by myself, sick as I am, you yaller dogs!" "Is that yore cayuse?" demanded Charley, pointing. Hopalong squinted towards the animal indicated. "Which one?" "There's only one there, you fool!"

"The black," said Pierre, assuming an air of quiet and superior knowing which always aggravated her most, "is a good second-rate cayuse when someone who knows horses is in the saddle. I'd give you fifty for him on the strength of his looks and keep him for a decoration." She could only glare her speechless rage for a moment.

When he reappeared, he was leading Midget, a little silverpoint runt of a Klamath Indian pony, and Moses, a sturdy pinto cayuse from the cattle ranges over in Trinity County. "I'll have to ride with you," he announced. "Can't let a tenderfoot like you go out alone on Midget."

Part of the interior of the cabin, the doorway, and some space outside were plainly visible. The thud of horses had given place to snorts, and then came a flopping of saddles and packs on the ground. "Any water hyar?" asked a gruff voice I recognized as Bill's. "Spring right thar," replied a voice I knew to be Bud's. "You onery old cayuse, stand still!"

Poor old Aleck is as good as married, and the Lord have mercy on his soul! But there's one thing I wish to state: I'm running the job, and I run it my own way. I don't want any interfering nor no talk afterward 's that understood? "It was. He was to cut loose. "'All right, says he. 'Poor Aleck! So that night E. G. W. Scraggs took his cayuse and made for the railroad station, bound east.

"She's pretty full to-night," he said. "It has got to be attempted, but I'm not quite sure how we're going through." Alton laughed a little, and brought his hand down on the Cayuse pony's flank. "Well, if you'll come along behind me you will see," said he. Seaforth was waist-deep next minute, and the water was horribly cold.

She slouched into the nearest chair and flung her hat carelessly upon the floor. "You notice it, my dear?" mimicked Essie Tisdale. "When a range cayuse has a few square meals he gets onery." "While they merely give a well-bred horse spirit." Dr. Harpe looked at her searchingly. There was a change in Essie Tisdale.

Thus he plodded on contentedly on his twelve-mile march, with the snow and the mire beneath it reaching now and then to his knee, until his companion stopped beside a little bark shanty and lighted a lantern. "Thomson's dumping-place already," he said, pulling a burst cotton bag out of the sack of sundries upon the Cayuse pony's back.

In an instant the hunter swerved from his course and raced for the Bull, loading his gun as the Cayuse swung along under a free rein. Shag chuckled softly as he spread his great quarters, and hung his nose closer to earth.

You see, they were all drinking, and the Injin he was a chief -proposed he proposed that Val should sell him his sister, Jen Galbraith, to be the chief's squaw. He would give him a cayuse. Val's blood came up quick quite quick. You know Val. He said between his teeth: 'Look out, Snow Devil, you Injin dog, or I'll have your heart.