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Alas! though Love unite us again in one embrace, Reproach for thy past rigour with me full long shall stay. When the portress heard this second song, she gave a loud scream and exclaimed, 'By Allah! it is good! and putting her hand to her clothes, tore them as before and fell down in a swoon. Whereupon the cateress rose and brought her another dress, after she had sprinkled water on her.

Bringing it to me in the most matter-of-fact manner, she holds it near my face and, pointing to it with the air of a cateress proudly conscious of having secured something that she knows will be unusually acceptable to her guest, she explains "me-aow, me-aow!"

Then the cateress crowned a cup and gave it to the portress, who took it from her hand and thanked her and drank. Thereupon she poured again and passed to the eldest lady who sat on the couch, and filled yet another and handed it to the Porter. He kissed the ground before them; and, after drinking and thanking them, he again began to recite : "Here!

Her smiles twin rows of pearls display * Chamomile-buds or rimey spray Her tresses stray as night let down * And shames her light the dawn o' day. Then the cateress went and stood before him, and the portress behind him while the third helped them, and they lifted the load from the Porter's head; and, emptying it of all that was therein, set everything in its place.

So he winked to Jaafer to ask, but the latter turned and signed to him as who should say, 'Be silent: this is no time for impertinent curiosity. Then said the portress to the mistress of the house, 'O my lady, rise and go up to thy place, that I in turn may do my part. 'It is well, answered she and went up and sat down on the couch of juniper-wood, at the upper end of the dais; whilst the portress sat down on a chair and said to the cateress, 'Do what thou hast to do. So the latter rose and going to a closet, brought out a bag of yellow satin, with cords of green silk and tassels of gold, and came and sat down before the portress.

The Khalif thanked her and said to himself, 'By Allah, I will reward her to-morrow for her kind office! Then they addressed themselves to carousel, till the wine began to work upon them, when the eldest lady rose and making an obeisance to her guests, took the cateress by the hand and said, 'Come, sisters, let us do our duty. And they answered, 'It is well. So the portress rose and cleared the middle of the saloon, after she had removed the table service and thrown away the remains of the banquet.

"O, the blackbird pie!" replied the countess, with a sprightly air and a charming touch of the German brogue. "I was waiting to be reminded of that; for there is a condition, which I wish to propose to your excellency, before the promised extra can make its appearance." "Ah! What is that, my incomparable cateress?" asked the former.

Thereupon he cried, "O my sisters, what is its name?" and they replied, "What sayest thou to the husked sesame seed?" Then the cateress donned her clothes and they fell again to carousing, but the Porter kept moaning, "Oh! and Oh!" for his neck and shoulders, and the cup passed merrily round and round again for a full hour. Then he cried "Alack!

Then she sat up again and said to the cateress 'To it again and help me to do the rest of my duty; for there remains but one more song. So the cateress took the lute and sang the following verses: How long, ah me! shall this rigour last and this inhumanity? Are not the tears that I have shed enough to soften thee?

Come in from the gate and ease this poor man of his burden. So the cateress entered, followed by the portress and the porter, and went on before them to a spacious saloon, elegantly built and handsomely decorated with all manner of colours and carvings and geometrical figures, with balconies and galleries and cupboards and benches and closets with curtains drawn before them.