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Updated: August 13, 2024

"You know, my boy, that in such a time as this if a leader and above all such a capering, high-kicking colt as you begins to mope and droop like a cab-horse in the rain, his men will soon not be worth a what?... Oh, blast the others, when you do so you're moping, and whether your men can stand it or not, I can't! what?... Well, then, for God's sake don't!

Trembling with outraged dignity and no little personal apprehension, Fritz climbed out to the road after replacing his suddenly removed spectacles. The band had dismounted and were singing, capering, and whooping, thus expressing their satisfied delight in the life of a jolly outlaw.

The crowd shouted applause as he caught her by the wrists after a particularly dazzling plunge into the empty air, and brought her round to face them, her fixed eyes changed and shot with triumph. The dance was over. Then a succession of men skaters came forward, whirling, twisting, capering with flying feet. Winn watched them with more astonishment than pleasure.

Having been recklessly tossed, it came down into the fire. When it went in, it was dark blue; but when Harry dashed into the flames in consternation to save it, it came out of a rich brown colour. "Now, youngster," said Mr. Park, "when you've done capering, I should like to ask you one or two questions. What brought you here?" "A canoe," said Harry, inclined to be impudent.

The voice, smooth and deferential, the step, steady and silent, made it hard to believe that only a few hours before Bukta was yelling and capering with naked fellow-devils of the scrub. "My people were very pleased to see the Sahib. They will never forget. When next the Sahib goes out recruiting, he will go to my people, and they will give him as many men as we need."

On reaching the water I looked towards the carcase of the rhinoceros, and, to my astonishment, I beheld the ground alive with large creatures, as though a troop of zebras were approaching the fountain to drink. Kleinboy remarked to me that a troop of zebras were standing on the height. I answered, "Yes," but I knew very well that zebras would not be capering around the carcase of a rhinoceros.

But, as the style of tragedy improved, Nature herself, says Aristotle, directed the writers to abandon the capering tetrameter, and to embrace that measure which was most accommodated to the purposes of dialogue; whence the iambic became the common measure of both Tragedy and Comedy. Sophocles brought on a third actor, which number was not exceeded in the Greek tragedies during the same scene.

In that position the cow went over the prostrate man without doing him any injury, plunging and capering, so as to extricate herself from my weight.

Take it on a question of foreign affairs, it 's an alderman after a feast. Bring it upon home politics, you meet a wolf. The faithful Whig veteran spoke with jolly admiration of the speech of a famous Tory chief. 'That was the way to talk to them! Denounce them traitors! Up whip, and set the ruffians capering! Hit them facers! Our men are always for the too-clever trick.

This had nearly been effected, as I shall here relate. I had so tamed a mouse that it would eat from my mouth; in this small animal I discovered proofs of intelligence. This mouse had nearly been my ruin. I had diverted myself with it one night; it had been nibbling at my door and capering on a trencher.

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