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"Why, Old Bill's sendin' for you, an' the fact of Sheriff Burley bein' here." "Talk nothing. Let's see what they want, and then talk. Pard, you remember the agreement we made not long ago?" "Sure. But I'm sort of worried, an' maybe " "You needn't worry about me. Come on," interrupted Moore. "I'd like you to be there. And, Lem, fetch the boys."

It need not be said that Christopher Burley and myself accepted the factor's invitation with alacrity, though, indeed, the mere sight of the missing man's trunk promised to be but poor game.

Accordingly, having struck a light with implements left in the stable for that purpose, and having fastened up their horses, he assigned Burley, for his place of repose, a wooden bed, placed in a loft half-full of hay, which an out-of-door domestic had occupied until dismissed by his uncle in one of those fits of parsimony which became more rigid from day to day.

I fear treachery to the host from this nullifidian Achan Thou shalt not go with him. Thou art our chariots and our horsemen." "Hinder me not," replied Burley; "he hath well said that all is lost, if the enemy win the bridge therefore let me not. Shall the children of this generation be called wiser or braver than the children of the sanctuary?

Burley turned to Macbriar "Ephraim," he said, "it is Providence points us the way, through the worldly wisdom of this latitudinarian youth. He that loves the light, let him follow Burley!" "Tarry," replied Macbriar; "it is not by Henry Morton, or such as he, that our goings-out and our comings-in are to be meted; therefore tarry with us.

Sidney Algernon Burley was entertaining a gay luncheon company, in a sumptuous drawing-room on Telegraph Hill, with some capital imitations of the voices and gestures of certain popular actors and San Franciscan literary people and Bonanza grandees. He was elegantly upholstered, and was a handsome fellow, barring a trifling cast in his eye.

It was a visit which they always remembered. The only fly in the ointment was the discovery by Jack Halloway that Dick Burley, after all, had broken his promise. He had not been in St. Louis twenty-four hours when he sauntered down to French Pete's place. That worthy met him with a grin, supposing he had come to make his report, whose nature was not doubted.

"Parfaitement, mon ami." "Will they take me as far as Nivelle?" "Certainly. But your mules went forward last night with the Remount " "I know. I wish to inspect them again before the veterinary sees them. Telephone to the corral for a saddle mule." The brigadier went inside to telephone and Burley started for the corral at the same time.

"Dinna let oor pairtin' grieve ye!" sang Tam and dropped straight through the clouds into the rain and a dim view of a bedraggled earth. "There's Burley," said Blackie, clad in a long oilskin and a sou'wester as he checked off the home-coming adventurers. "Do you ever notice how his machine always looks lop-sided? There's Galbraith and Mosen who's that fellow on the Morane?

Company K had fifty-three men, Captain Cherry; Company E, forty, and Captain Burley, Company B, twenty-five; in all, one hundred and eighteen men. Lieutenant Colonel Culp was a member of a military court doing duty in Petersburg at the time of the explosion, and could not get back until he reported to me at Elliott's headquarters.