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"I am happy to tell you that a bunion that I had on my foot, which grew to a considerable size and gave me the most acute pain for over fifteen years, has gone." "I cannot leave France without letting you know how grateful I feel for the immense service you have rendered me and mine. I only wish I had met you years ago.

"I took you for one of the little Mayfair dandies," she said to Pen. "You looked as solemn as a little undertaker; and as I disliked, beyond measure, the odious creature who was on the other side of me, I thought it was best to eat my dinner and hold my tongue." "And you did both very well, my dear Miss Bunion," Pen said with a laugh.

Next day Jim Bunion would talk of it no more; and when I went back to Stavlokratz I found him already putting on paper his theory about the sailors, which became accepted by chess-players, that one of them had been taught their curious gambit and that the other two between them had learnt all the defensive openings as well as general play.

Wenham, who would have starved rather than have come to dinner in an omnibus, "but I don't think that she need flourish the straw about, do you, Mr. Pendennis? My dear Miss Bunion, how do you do? I was in a great lady's drawing-room this morning, and everybody was charmed with your new volume. Those lines on the christening of Lady Fanny Fantail brought tears into the Duchess's eyes.

The wind was blowing outside as it does on bad nights in November, coming up with moans from the South, towards which the tavern faced with all its leaded panes, so that none but I was able to hear his voice as Jim Bunion gave up his secret. They had sailed for years, he told me, with Bill Snyth; and on their last voyage home Bill Snyth had died. And he was buried at sea.

I'm sorry ye've come when there's naething daein'. 'So am I. However, it is not the time to indulge in discriminations. Your uncle thought it was better for me to come than to write a letter. 'Is onything wrang wi' ma uncle? Macgregor asked anxiously. 'Barring an invidious bunion, he is in his usual health.

And the Kid, like the last affliction which the Lord sent unto Job I've forgotten whether that was boils or the butchery of his offspring came loping down the length of the porch and kicked the Old Man's bunion with a stubby boot-toe. Thus was born the psychological moment when the treachery of the Happy Family would cut deepest.

I d' know," said Sandy, scratching his unshaven jaw reflectively, "just how the fight did go between you 'n' Rock. You was both using the whole room, I know. Near as I could make out, you or maybe it was Rock tromped on Big Jim's bunion. This cold spell's hard on bunions and Big Jim went after you both with blood in his eye. "After that" Sandy spread his arms largely "it was go-as-you-please.

I told him straight out that I did not believe in the crystal. Well, Jim Bunion leaned forward then, even further across the table, and swore he had seen the man from whom Bill had bought the crystal and that he was one to whom anything was possible.

A corn is usually hard, dry, and white; but it may be sodden from moisture, as in "soft corns" between the toes. A bursa may form beneath a corn, and if inflamed constitutes one form of bunion. When suppuration takes place in relation to a corn, there is great pain and disability, and it may prove the starting-point of lymphangitis.