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Updated: August 25, 2024

As soon as Buddir ad Deen enters your room, complain of his being from you so long, and tell him, that when you awoke, you were astonished you did not find him by you. Press him to come to bed again; and to-morrow morning you will divert your mother-in-law and me, by giving us an account of your interview."

This, mother, was the cause of my melancholy and silence yesterday; I love the princess with more violence than I can express; and as my passion increases every moment, I cannot live without the possession of the amiable Buddir al Buddoor, and am resolved to ask her in marriage of the sultan her father."

When the genie had done speaking, he transformed himself into the shape of a man, took hump-back by the legs, and after having set him against the wall with his head downwards, "If thou stir," said he, "before the sun rise, as I have told thee already, I will take thee by the heels again, and dash thy head in a thousand pieces against the wall." To return to Buddir ad Deen.

Instead of giving him an answer, they continued to break all round them, and the oven itself was not spared. In the mean time the neighbours took the alarm, and surprised to see fifty armed men committing such a disorder, asked the reason of such violence; and Buddir ad Deen said once more to the rioters, "Pray tell me what crime I have committed to deserve this usage?"

"Yes, my lord," cried she, "doubtless you were light-headed when you thought you were at Damascus." Upon this Buddir ad Deen laughed heartily, and said, "What a comical fancy is this! I assure you, madam, this dream of mine will be very pleasant to you.

"This night," answered the mother, "the grand vizier's son is to marry the princess Buddir al Buddoor." She then related how she had heard it; so that from all circumstances, he had no reason to doubt the truth of what she said. At this account, Alla ad Deen was thunder-struck.

After the feast, the sultan sent for the chief cadi, and commanded him to draw up a contract of marriage between the Princess Buddir al Buddoor and Aladdin. When the contract had been drawn, the sultan asked Aladdin if he would stay in the palace and complete the ceremonies of the marriage that day.

Is it possible that a man could yesterday be at Bussorah, the same night at Cairo, and this morning at Damascus? Surely you are asleep still, come rouse up your spirits." "What I say," answered Buddir ad Deen Houssun, "is so true that last night I was married in the city of Cairo." All those who laughed before, could not forbear again at this declaration.

Buddir ad Deen produced several pieces, one of which she pitched upon, and he asked for it eleven hundred dirhems of silver. "I will," said she, "give you your price for it, but I have not money enough about me; so I hope you will give me credit till to-morrow, and in the mean time allow me to carry home the stuff. I shall not fail," added she, "to send you tomorrow the eleven hundred dirhems."

Hump-back, who was enraged at Buddir ad Deen, suspecting him to be his rival, gave him a cross look, and said, "And thou, what dost thou wait for? Why art thou not gone as well as the rest? Depart!" Buddir ad Deen having no pretence to stay, withdrew, not knowing what to do with himself. But before he got out of the vestibule, the genie and the perie met and stopped him.

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