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These Britishers a'n't like us; they don't pay off in port and if the fellows get any thing in jail from the consul, it's by drib-drabs, that a'n't no good, for it all goes for liquor. And them criminals make a dead haul upon a black steward, as soon as he is locked up.

I smiled at the absolute innocence and wonder with which she spoke, and replied, "I know now, Miss Cullen, why you said I was braver than the Britishers." "How do you know?" I couldn't resist getting in a side-shot at Lord Ralles, who had mounted his mule and sat scowling.

I supposed whoever had pitched into the robbers was dead, and I expected to be the same inside of ten minutes." "Then why did you risk your life," she asked, "if you thought it was useless?" I laughed, and, though ashamed to tell it, replied, "I didn't want you to think that the Britishers had more pluck than I had."

His political creed goes beyond the mere assertion of the superiority of Britishers over foreigners. He claims association with a party, and knows a good deal about prominent statesmen and politicians.

"Sarasate, or 'Sarah Sayty, as some of the clear Britishers call him " laughed Heliobas, putting on his overcoat as he spoke; "the 'Spanish fiddler, as the crabbed musical critics define him when they want to be contemptuous, which they do pretty often.

He then uttered the negro ejaculation "chah! chah!" and putting his arms a-kimbo, danced in a most extraordinary style to the music of a song, which he gave with great expression: "Oh hab you nebber heerd ob de battle ob Orleens, Where de dandy Yankee lads gave de Britishers de beans; Oh de Louisiana boys dey did it pretty slick, When dey cotch ole Packenham and rode him up a creek.

If your reglars jine General Washington, 'tis to larn from HIM how Britishers are licked; for I'm blest if YU know the way yet."

Lavilette at last and said, as he fastened his collar: "Yes, you and I are friends, Nic; but I'm a Britisher, and my people have been Britishers since Edward the Third's time; and for this same Quebec two of my great-grand-uncles fought and lost their lives. If I were sound of wind and limb I'd fight, like them, to keep what they helped to get.

Britishers were different in nearly all their natural circumstances, while, to increase the difference, their practice became greatly modified by a deal of good but sometimes rather lubberly legislation. And yet all three Britisher, Bluenose, and Yankee are so inextricably connected with each other that it is quite impossible to understand any one of them without some reference to the other two.

He appeared enchanted with the whole day's proceedings. "I do declare," he said, "if this don't almost put me in mind of the 4th of July. Why, you Britishers make as much fuss proclaiming your king as we do celebrating our anniversary of Independence. Well, it does me good to look at you. I vow if I don't feel quite loyal. Come, let us drink the old gentleman's health agin.