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From the plantation Miss Belcher had led me straight to the house, and there in the darkened parlour I had told my story, corroborated here and there by Mr. Goodfellow. In the intervals of my narrative Miss Belcher insisted on my swallowing great spoonfuls of hot bread-and-milk, against which faint though I was and famished my gorge rose.

The historian Anquetil was one of the small number of literary men in France who refused to bow to the Napoleonic yoke. He sank into great poverty, living on bread-and-milk, and limiting his expenditure to only three sous a day. "I have still two sous a day left," said he, "for the conqueror of Marengo and Austerlitz."

They think we just love our hideous clothes, and that we ought to be thankful for molasses and bread-and-milk every night in the week but one, and if we're not, we're wicked. Rich people think queer things. Sundays at the Humane are terribly religious. They begin early and last until after supper, and if anybody is sorry when Sunday is over, it's never been mentioned out loud.

Nancy had enough presence of mind to intercept Kitty and hiss into her ear: "Borrow a loaf of bread from Mrs. Popham, we are short; and see if you can find any way to get strawberries from Bill Harmon's; it was to have been a bread-and-milk supper on the piazza, to-night, and it must be hurriedly changed into a Consular banquet! Verb. sap. Fly!"

"Ah! bread-and-milk capital!" exclaimed the Doctor, rubbing his hands, and looking at the children's basins. "I think our patient could manage a small basinful, eh?" The Dodo, with a great affectation of weakness, feebly nodded his head. "I think I could manage a small basinful, Doctor er er not too small, you know. A very small quantity never agrees with me."

"Oh, Gee," said Ogden wearily. "Are you feeling a little better, Oggie darling?" "No," said Ogden firmly. "I'm feeling a lot worse." "You haven't drunk your nice soup." "Feed it to the cat." "Could you eat a nice bowl of bread-and-milk, precious?" "Have a heart," replied the sufferer. Mrs. Pett returned to her seat, sorrowfully.

Jacob quickly returned, and the child seemed to enjoy the sweet bread-and-milk with which the dame liberally fed her. A bed was then made up for her near the fire, and smiling her thanks for the kind treatment she received, her head was scarcely on the pillow before she was fast asleep.

When after travelling on and on, evening came, and all the black pines were bending with snow, and there, at last, was the comfortable light beaming in the woodman's windows; and so they arrived, and went into his cottage. He was an old man, and had a number of children, who were just at supper, with nice hot bread-and-milk, when their elder brother arrived with the cart.

And maybe he would have passed up the lobster at that and stuck to the sardines." "Sardines!" "Ain't kids allowed sardines?" said Steve anxiously. "The guy at the store told me they were wholesome and nourishing. It looked to me as if that ought to hit young Fitzsimmons about right. What's the matter with them?" "A little bread-and-milk is all that he ever has before he goes to bed."

This made the deserted animal look such a picture of misery that, on Nell's drawing her aunt's attention to him, the good lady of the house not only spoke sympathising words unto him, to which the sad dog replied by ever so feeble a wag of his drooping tail; but Mrs Gilmour also, sanctioned, nay, even directed, his being entertained with a basin of hot bread-and-milk served up on the best dining-room carpet, an event unparalleled in the annals of "the Moorings!"