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Out of a little chorus of regret, came Borrodaile's slightly mocking, 'Anything wrong with the precious children? 'She didn't mention the children nor much of anything else just a hurried line. 'The children were as merry as grigs yesterday, said Vida, looking at their uncle across the table. 'I went on to the Freddys' after the Royal Academy. No! she put her cup down suddenly.

But when suddenly Borrodaile's sauntering figure came to a standstill near the lower end of the bench, the tramp turned his head and watched dully the gloveless hands cross one over the other on the knob of the planted umbrella; the bent head; one hand raised now, groping about the waistcoat, lighting upon what it sought and raising a pince-nez, through which he read the legend scrawled in chalk upon the pavement.

The distance from Langar to Laspur on the other side of the pass is only ten miles, but though Borrodaile's party of Pioneers and Levies started early next day, they did not reach Laspur till evening. The villagers were as surprised as though the party had dropped from the moon, and thought it expedient to be friendly.

As the wan mother watched the end of the transaction which left the sniffler now quite consoled, in possession of the modest coin, she said naïvely 'When anybody gives one of my children a penny, I always save half of it for them the next day. Vida Levering turned her head away, and in so doing met Lord Borrodaile's eyes over the back of the bench. She gave a faint start of surprise, and then

Lord Borrodaile's eyes twinkled. 'Is that so? he said, indulgent to a mood which hardly perhaps made for dispassionate appraisement. 'You don't believe it! said Mrs. Heriot. 'Of course not! 'I was only thinking what a fillip it gave acquaintance to be in doubt whether a person was a sinner or a saint. 'It wouldn't for me, said Jean. 'Oh, you see, you're so Scotch. He was incorrigible!

'She saves half of it! was all she said. Borrodaile, glancing shrewdly over the further augmented gathering, asked the invariable question 'How do you account for the fact that so few women are here to show their interest in a matter that's supposed to concern them so much? Vida craned her head. 'Beside you, only one! Borrodaile's mocking voice went on.

I can now sit down to a supper of roast pork and bottled stout, go to bed directly afterwards, sleep all night, and wake up in the morning without thinking unkind things of anybody not even my relations-in-law! Bless the Kaiser, say I! Borrodaile, what about you? Any complaints?" "Thank you," replied Borrodaile's dry voice; "there are no complaints.

'The men who are here, she said, 'the great majority of men at all open-air meetings seem to be loafers. Woman whatever else she may or may not be isn't a loafer! Through Borrodaile's laugh she persisted. 'A woman always seems to have something to do, even if it's of the silliest description.

Lord Borrodaile's eyes narrowed with amusement as he watched the hurried pantomime. Instead of 'Thank you, as Vida meekly accepted the incongruous and by no means light burden: 'We are short of speakers, said Ernestine. 'You'll help us out, won't you? As though it were the simplest thing in the world. Lord Borrodaile half rose in protest. 'No, said Vida.

No cheeky little devil, remarked one of the young men, offering a new light upon the royal virtue of punctuality; but from the enthusiasm with which they availed themselves of the rest of Lord Borrodaile's side of the bench, it was obvious they had hurried to the spot with the intention of securing front seats at the show.