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He was wondering how he could bring it to an end, when a diversion was created by the discovery that Ernest had begun to cry doubtless through an intense but inarticulate sense of a boredom greater than he could bear.

He brought her a large yellow dahlia, which she grasped tightly in one hand and regarded with a stare of benevolent boredom, such as one might bestow on amateur classical dancing performed in aid of a deserving charity. Then he turned shyly to the group perched on the wall and asked with affected carelessness, "Do you like flowers?" Three solemn nods rewarded his venture.

We therefore expect to see the Spider settled before long in a shaft of her own construction. We are disappointed. Weeks pass and not an effort is made, not one. Demoralized by the absence of an ambush, the Lycosa hardly vouchsafes a glance at the game which I serve up. The Crickets pass within her reach in vain; most often she scorns them. She slowly wastes away with fasting and boredom.

But a few days later "Ah, je m'ennuie, je m'ennuie," she cried in an accent of boredom. Then Bakkus elaborated a Machiavellian idea. Why shouldn't she work? At what? Why, hadn't she a troupe of trained birds? Madame Patou was not the first comer in the variety world. She could get engagements in the provinces. How did she know that the war would not last longer than Andrew's savings?

Flat singing is often due to bad ventilation of the room, more often still to boredom. A good plan in this case is to raise the pitch a semitone; it is often just as easy for singing, and invariably produces a sense of cheerfulness. Children should never be allowed to sing loudly, especially when very young. It is most difficult to cure the habit when once formed.

They all realised that the advocate of the hundred million heads theory had been driven into a corner, and waited to see what would come of it. "That was a good saying of yours, though," Verhovensky mumbled more carelessly than ever, in fact with an air of positive boredom. "Emigration is a good idea.

It is the body's magnificent healing effort working on your behalf, and for doing it your body deserves lots of "well done", "good body" thoughts rather than gnashing of teeth and thinking what did I do to deserve this. The body won't tell you what you did to deserve this, but it knows and is trying its darndest to undo it. The Unrelenting Boredom Of Fasting

His plain rigging, the slick, smoothly worn, leather chaps, the undecorated saddle, bridle and spurs, his entire work-a-day outfit contrasted vividly with the gaudy get-up of most of the other riders. Captain Jack moved along easily and freely, but quietly, and with an air of utter boredom with all the show and confusion about him.

It was the stagnation of the life about him that he felt sinking into every crevice of his spirit, so that he could never shake it off, the stagnation of dusty ruined automatons that had lost all life of their own, whose limbs had practised the drill manual so long that they had no movements of their own left, who sat limply, sunk in boredom, waiting for orders.

'Over the bridge. And to dissipate some of her boredom, she added, 'I met Francis Sales. He thinks of going abroad. There was an immediate confusion of little exclamations and a chatter. 'Going abroad? Why? 'To learn farming. 'Oh, dear, Sophia sighed, 'and we thought we hoped 'She must do as she likes, Caroline said, and Rose smiled. 'The Malletts don't care for marrying.