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Tomorrow a tailor will arrive, also a haberdasher and a bootmaker. Jerry will be measured from top to toe. The mountain is coming to Mahomet." "Let's be sure no mouse is born," I said dryly. "Six feet two of country mouse," he roared. "Oh, Pope, don't you worry. We'll show you a thing or two, won't we, Jerry?"

"Tell his excellency that I will send round in about half an hour to remeasure his foot." "D'you mean it?" inquired the boy, impudently "or is there a catch in it?" "I'll tan your hide, my lad!" cried the bootmaker "and I mean that! Take my message and keep your mouth shut."

What is the use of a principle, she inquired severely, if we do not adhere to it? On the other hand, the druggist's daughter was the eldest of six, who might all come when they were old enough to leave home, and Miss Pratt thought there was a real difference between a druggist and, say, a bootmaker. 'Bootmaker! said Miss Hannah with great scorn.

"Look here," he said: "you must get those wet clothes off by the way, what is your name?" "Tommy Stubbins," I said. "Oh, are you the son of Jacob Stubbins, the shoemaker?" "Yes," I said. "Excellent bootmaker, your father," said the Doctor. "You see these?" and he held up his right foot to show me the enormous boots he was wearing.

Something like a week ago someone came to my house in the morning to ask me the address of the bootmaker, my maid did not want to awaken me, and it was not until noon that I read the letter; the bearer said he came from the Hotel Helder on the rue Helder. I answered at once that Simonin lived at 15 rue Richelieu, I wrote to your mother thinking that it was she who wrote to me.

The stranger steps back on this announcement, and politely but coldly lifted his hat. "Oh, curse your politeness!" exclaimed the young man, in the extremity of anger. "Where's the bill?" "I don't know your meaning, sir," answered the stranger, "in talking about writs and bills; but" "Why are you not a tailor, or a bootmaker, or something of the kind?

I made them sit down, and tried to pull on their shoes, but I soon found that they were much too small, and that we must get some more. I called the waiter who attended to us, and told him to go and fetch a bootmaker with an assortment of shoes. In the meanwhile I would not be contented with merely kissing Armelline.

Nor need we expressly name the bootmaker to whom is confided the task of making those feet 'small by degrees and beautifully less. The process, we understand, has been painful, but the effect is no doubt remunerative. "In three especial walks of dress has Macassar Jones been more than ordinarily careful to create a sensation; and we believe we may assert that he has been successful in all.

With money in the funds, a man has nothing to do but lodge a power of attorney with his broker, and write up for four or five thousand pounds, just as he would write to his bootmaker for four or five pairs of boots, the only difference being, that in all probability the money would be down before the boots.

Noting the address of these carefully, the Devil sallied forth, and nothing but his ignorance of the topography of the hotel, which made him take the back stairs, saved him from the clutches of two bailiffs lurking on the principal staircase. Leaping into a cab, he thus escaped a perfumer and a bootmaker, and shortly found himself at the Lady Adeliza's feet. The truth had not been half told him.