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Updated: August 2, 2024

Cameron and I began "bluffing" the game I recall that the limit was five dollars that is, raising and back-raising each other, and whoever else happened to be in, without much or any regard to the cards we held. It chanced on a deal that I picked up a pat flush, Mr. Cleveland a pat full.

Perhaps he'd have got a place by then gamekeeper, perhaps he'd like to be a gamekeeper. At this Jack, mentally, threw up the sponge. "You really mean to go on at this rotten idea of yours?" Frank opened his eyes wide. "Why, of course. Good Lord! did you think I was bluffing?" "But ... but it's perfectly mad. Why on earth don't you get a proper situation somewhere land-agent or something?"

If we hadn't gone through that year we'd have busted the business absolutely. It was just a case of hold-up and we had to pay it. You remember?" "Yes." "Well!" burst out Welton, bringing his fist down, "now this hound, Baker, sends up his slick lawyer to tell me that was bribery, and that he can have me up on a criminal charge!" "He's bluffing," said Bob quietly. "I remember all about that case.

Madeline Spencer mocked. "Nothing whatever except a few nervous moments." "Try it, Mr. Secretary, and find out!" she laughed across the levelled revolver. "Train your gun on Mr. Harleston and test him," the Secretary suggested, attempting to be facetious and failing. Mrs. Spencer might be, probably was, bluffing but he did not propose to be the one to call it; the result was quite too uncertain.

My mind was so full of Jack that I forgot that other men inhabited the earth. It is no use bluffing any longer, Mate, there has never been a minute since the train pulled out of the home station that every instinct in me hasn't cried out for Jack. Pride kept me silent at first, and then the miserable thought got hold of me that he was beginning to care for you.

"Is it true?" Roy asked. "Na-a-h! He either hasn't come to his senses yet or he's bluffing. He's going back to Quebec to a dope-house or else to the gallows. How'd you like to go to the gallows, hey?" he added as a pleasantry. "You're you're sure he's the one?" Roy asked, in pitiful despair. "Well now what do you think? You saw the pictures, huh? He's the chap, says you.

"Do you think that was a very nice thing to say?" "I wasn't trying to be nice." Then after a pause: "When do you want to go?" Bernice drew in her breath sharply. "Oh!" It was a little half-cry. Marjorie looked up in surprise. "Didn't you say you were going?" "Yes, but " "Oh, you were only bluffing!" They stared at each other across the breakfast-table for a moment.

"All right," bridled the Widow and watched him cynically as he wrote out the quit-claim and check. "Oh! Actually!" she mocked as he put the check in her hands. "I just wanted to see if you were bluffing." "Well, you know now," he answered and sat in stony silence until she departed with a triumphant smirk.

Ben gasped. "Oh, I don't pretend to be as intimate with the devil as you are, and appealing to me in his name doesn't do any good. It makes no difference who I am. You know that what I just said is true, and you can't deny it." "But suppose I do deny it, what then?" "H'm, you are talking nonsense now. It's no use for you to do any bluffing.

All life was a gigantic bluff, and you encouraged yourself in your bluffing by the certainty that everybody else was bluffing just as hard.

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