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Later I grew accustomed to it, although never, I hope, blase; but to the end my bearer fascinated me by alluding to me as Master not directly, but obliquely: impersonally, as though it were some other person that I knew, who was always with me, an alter ego who could not answer for himself: "Would Master like this or that?" "At what time did Master wish to be called?"

It is a great mistake, and one of the worst results is that I am utterly blase of everything; even la belle passion is played out for me. I haven't seen a woman I care twopence about for ten years." "Ah! you should sell this place, and take a house in town; it would suit you much better." "I can do that without selling the place.

"You've been giving other people away at a great rate for several years what's the matter with acquiring a real princess for yourself?" "You advise bigamy, do you?" asked Bonaparte, scornfully. "Not on your life," returned Fouche, "but a real elegant divorce, followed by an imperial wedding, would rattle the bones of this blase old Paris as they haven't been rattled since Robespierre's day."

We must make a "carry," an actual portage, such as in all chronicles of pioneer voyages strike like the excitement of rapids into the monotonous course of easy descent. Another boat was ready on the next lake, but our chattels must go three miles through the woods. Yes, we now were to achieve a portage. Consider it, blase friend, was not this sensation alone worth the trip?

The country air, you know, and the scenery, and plenty of pretty people. Now, there's Lord Bearwarden look, he's talking to Miss Bruce, under the cedar he's actually driven over from Windsor, and though he's a way of being so fine and blasé and all that, he don't look much bored at this moment, does he? Twenty thousand a year, they say, and been everywhere and done everything.

In the mean time, his heart was dead to all the better and nobler feelings. But, at one time, it seemed as if a higher and more serious inclination promised permanently to enchain this dreaded rival of all husbands and lovers. Feodor von Brenda, the most blasé, witty, insolent cavalier at the court of his empress, became suddenly serious and silent.

Here is every species of visitor: the money-burdened who "stop" here and cultivate an air of being blase to the wealth of polished splendours; and the less opulent who "stop" cheaply elsewhere and venture in to tread the corridors timidly, to stare with honest, drooping-jawed wonder at its marvels of architecture and decoration, and to gaze with becoming reverence at those persons whom they shrewdly conceive to be social celebrities.

The sound of distant firing has none of the interest of novelty; the shelling of an aeroplane, which would have filled you with excitement a short time ago, does not now even cause you to raise your eyes to watch; you are old in warfare, and blasé. There is no room for fear on this train; it is crowded out by pain, by apathy, by hope.

You are somewhat blase I know, and family scenes have not much effect on Sinbad the Sailor, who has seen so many others. However, accept what I propose to you as an initiation into Parisian life a life of politeness, visiting, and introductions."

It is true that some of Solomon's coining rings not unlike Goethe's and Byron's; but Solomon forestalled his day by being blasé before the nineteenth century.