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Ah, with her last glance she would forever enchain that noble and beautiful face with her extended arms she would forever retain that majestic form. "Farewell, Anna, farewell!" The door closes behind him he is gone! A cold shudder convulsed Anna's form, a bodeful fear took possession of her mind. It lay upon her heart like a dark mourning-veil.

This is especially true, in New York, of the large percentage of people from out of town who "go to the theatre" merely as one phase of their metropolitan experience. It is true, also, of the many women in the boxes and the orchestra who go less to see than to be seen. It is one of the great difficulties of the dramatist that he must capture and enchain the attention of an audience thus composed.

It is in your power to enchain time, master events, disarm the ambitious, and tranquillize the whole of France by giving it institutions which will cement your edifice, and prolong for our children what you have done for their fathers. Citizen first consul, be assured that the senate here speaks to you in the name of all citizens."

This maudit empire seeks to keep its hold on France much as a grand seigneur seeks to enchain a nymph of the ballet, tricks her out in finery and baubles, and insures her infidelity the moment he fails to satisfy her whims."

Amongst other anomalies, this is observable, that it not only has led captive weak and ignorant minds, which being unable to detect a specious sophism, or to depart from a general practice, may easily be supposed incapable of resisting its fascination; but it has been known to seduce and enchain some of the noblest orders of intellect, and the most cultivated of human understandings.

Apollonius shook his head. "They are not my slaves; they are my masters." "There is but one," Tigellin retorted "Nero. Why do you not fear him?" "Because the god that made him terrible made me without fear." "I will leave you your liberty," muttered the startled Tigellin, "but you must give bail." "And who," asked Apollonius superbly, "would bail a man whom no one can enchain?"

How comes it the chase doth the hunter enchain? But the strangest of all that is told of thee is, I was snared, and thou heard'st not the voice of my pain. Yet grant not my prayer. If I'm jealous for thee Of thyself how much more of myself? Nor again, As long as life lasteth in me, will I say, "O marvel of beauty, how long this disdain?"

But though the books were never so interesting, and never so full of novelty to Tom, they could not so enchain him, in those mysterious chambers, as to render him unconscious, for a moment, of the lightest sound.

It is Christ against Satan, determined to resist, defeat, enchain, and imprison that old dragon. This war still rages. The powers are the same as in the days of old, though the methods of warfare be changed. Christ still calls for soldiers of the Covenant, men of spirit, courage, and unshaken faith.

He had another love whom he would be glad, even now, if he could, to marry. It was very doubtful if he ever came for her. Jenny would feel pained by her unwelcome gossip, and, glancing at her child, she decided, however true it might be, she had a pledge which would enchain him yet.