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You are a beautiful woman, far above me but at least I am a man and I love you and I will have you for my own or no other woman." He bent down, snatched hold of her hands and drew her face towards his. His heart leaped in quick, fierce beats. At least she was not indifferent. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes marvellously soft.

My mind was wrought up to a certain elevation of tone; the speculations in which I was engaged, tending to embrace all that was most important to man in society, and the frame to which I had assiduously bent myself, of giving quarter to nothing because it was old, and shrinking from nothing because it was startling and astounding, gave a new bias to my character.

And to-day she was bent on giving the cattle dealer a piece of her mind. She paused a moment when she came to Gertrude's house, then went on her way, saying half aloud, "No, I'll say nothing to her, since she says nothing to me. If 'mum's' the word I can use it as well as she."

Sometimes he would meet with a young man bent on the same business as himself, and then they would fight in a friendly manner, merely to prove which was the stronger, but on other occasions the enemy would turn out to be a robber, who had become the terror of the neighbourhood, and then the battle was in deadly earnest.

To build a boat with two or more hides: A stout pole of the desired length is placed upon the ground for a keel, the ends turned up and secured by a lariat; willow rods of the required dimensions are then cut, heated, and bent into the proper shape for knees, after which their centres are placed at equal distances upon the keel, and firmly tied with cords.

This was a bent old man, who shaded his eyes with his hand, and looked at the west and the east and overhead, and then took a few lame and feeble steps farther out to see a wooden vane on the barn.

They fell into step behind the stranger. With many turns and twists the man walked for perhaps half an hour. Apparently he was bent on beclouding the lads' sense of direction. "I say!" Hal called a halt finally. "Where are you taking us?" "It's not much farther," the man protested, "and I have been instructed to bring you." "Instructed to bring us?" echoed Chester, "and by whom?"

Still, if you're bent on it " After which he had handed over the key. Mike wished he could have taken Psmith into his confidence. Probably he would have volunteered to come, too; Mike would have been glad of a companion. It did not take him long to reach Lower Borlock. The "White Boar" stood at the far end of the village, by the cricket field.

Suddenly indeed, she bent forward and said in a lowered voice to Mr. Neal 'You have read it? He too bent forward, with a smile not quite free from embarrassment 'Yes, I have read it I shall have some criticisms to make. You won't mind? She threw up her hands 'Must you? 'I think I must for the good of the book, he said reluctantly. 'Very likely I'm all wrong.

It must have its stiff neck bent to recognise its Creator. His whole book, The Grammar of Assent, 1870, is pervaded by the intensest philosophical scepticism. Scepticism supplies its motives, determines its problems, necessitates its distinctions, rules over the succession and gradation of its arguments.