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'You have alarmed the house, said the trumpet-major, hearing the clicking of flint and steel in his father's bedroom, followed in a moment by the rise of a light in the window of the same apartment. 'You have got me into difficulty, he added gloomily, as his father opened the casement. 'I am sorry for that, said Uncle Benjy. 'But step back; I'll put it all right again.

The physician shook his head, but nevertheless produced a bottle, and handed it to Benjy, with instructions for use. "Not as 't'll do 'ee much good leastways I be afeard not," shading his eyes with his hand, and looking up at them in the cart. "There's only one thing as I knows on as'll cure old folks like you and I o' th' rheumatiz." "Wot be that then, farmer?" inquired Benjy.

She is kep' by my fren', Madame Bouvet." "Xavier," said Nick, looking at the rolling flood of the river, "suppose this levee should break?" "Ah," said Xavier, "then some Spaniard who never have a bath he feel what water is lak." Followed by Benjy with the saddle-bags, we went down the steps set in the levee into this strange, foreign city.

The bear, surprised, no doubt, but obviously sulky from the loss of the seal, entered the cave sedately with an inquiring look. It saw Benjy at once, and made prodigious efforts to get at him.

Had she not, so providentially, actually observed the Major cross the road, unmistakable in the lamplight, and had she only looked out of her window after the light in his was quenched, she would surely have told herself that good Major Benjy had gone to bed.

"Well, Benjy," she said, for his imagination was breaking down. "I'll give you a dowry and you'll get married. See!" he concluded triumphantly. "Oh, but suppose I shan't want to get married?" "Nonsense every girl wants to get married. I overheard Old Four-Eyes say all the teachers in the girls' department were dying to marry him. I've got several sweethearts already, and I dare say you have."

"Thou must not walk, either!" cried Esther excitedly. "We must get to him at once! Who knows if he will be alive when we come? We must go by train from London Bridge the way Benjy came that Sunday. Oh, my poor Benjy!" "Give me back the paper, Esther," interrupted Solomon, taking it from her limp hand. "The boys have never seen a telegram." "But we cannot spare the money," urged Moses helplessly.

It is some comfort to us, reader, to be able to record the fact that Benjy Vane was not doomed to total disappointment on that memorable day, for, on the same evening, the voyagers had an encounter with walruses which more than made up for the previous misfortune. It happened thus:

"I've come to see it all quite different, since I've talked with Mis' Kinney," said one young married woman, holding her baby close to her breast, and looking down with remorseful tenderness on its placid little face. "I shan't never feel that I've quite made it up to Benjy, never, for the thoughts I had about him before he was born.

Why, Butterface," continued Alf, warming with his subject, while the enthusiastic negro listened as it were with every feature of his expressive face, and even the volatile Benjy became attentive, "why, there is no telling what might be the advantages that would arise from systematic exploration of these unknown regions, which cover a space of not less than two million, five hundred thousand square miles.