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A squall like this can't last long. We shall soon be able to start again for home, no doubt. I say, Anders, what are these creatures off the point there? They seem too large and black for sea-birds, and not the shape of seals or walruses." The interpreter gazed earnestly at the objects in question for some moments without answering.

But the boats returned from the expedition with no news other than that of a river flowing into the Gulf, in such volume that its water was still fresh three miles from the shore. The men declared, too, that they had seen 'fishes shaped like horses, which, so the Indians said, retired to shore at night, and spent the day in the sea. The creatures, no doubt, were walruses.

Then he went on with his story. "Do you remember how two springs ago there were so few walruses and seals along the coast that you nearly died for lack of food and oil?" he said. "My children, it was I who brought the seals and walruses back to you! Without my efforts you might all have starved! "I will tell you of the perils of a fearful journey which I undertook for your sakes.

Even as it was it took them a considerable time to accomplish this feat, and to cut it up and pack it on the sledges. While the battle above described was going on, two smaller walruses had been killed and secured, and the Esquimaux were in a state of great glee, for previous to the arrival of the sailors they had been unsuccessful in their hunts, and had been living on short allowance.

"There isn't a gentler sea-lion in the world, and I've handled a good many of them." "Is this a sea-lion?" asked Joe. "I thought they were those big animals with long tusks." "You're thinking of walruses," said Mr. Blossom. "Lizzie really is a sea-lion, though it is easier for me to call her a seal, since nine out of ten persons do so. Few know the difference between a seal and a sea-lion.

Their island was entirely covered with snow, and upon this snow they saw distinctly here and there at a distance some black spots, which Mr. Hersebom immediately recognized as "ongionks," that is to say, a species of walrus of great size. These walruses doubtless inhabited the caverns and crevasses in the ice, and believing themselves perfectly secure from any attack, were basking in the sunshine.

The mysterious sound sent all the gulls screaming into the air, and frightened the basking walruses on the ledges three miles away. Every seal that heard it shuddered and dived, and an old white bear, prowling along the desolate beach in search of dead fish, lifted his lean head and listened nervously. "Only the swordfish paid no attention to that tremendous and desperate cry.

From beyond this ridge there came fearsome bellows, such as a herd of cattle might produce. "Gracious," Conseil put in, "a choir of bulls?" "No," I said, "a choir of walruses." "Are they fighting with each other?" "Either fighting or playing." "With all due respect to master, this we must see." "Then see it we must, Conseil."

Nazinred seated himself on one. Cheenbuk and the others jumped in, the whips cracked, and away they went amid the shouting of the drivers and the yells of children and women left behind. It did not take long to find one of those giants of the frozen seas. Some miles out on the ice they came to a place which the walruses had kept open as a breathing-hole.

Arriving at the topmost ridge of this promontory, I could see vast white plains covered with walruses. These animals were playing among themselves. They were howling not in anger but in glee. Walruses resemble seals in the shape of their bodies and the arrangement of their limbs.