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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Why didn't you bring her with you?" Pandora benevolently asked. "Well, she doesn't go out much. Then she has got her sister staying with her Mrs. Runkle, from Natchez. She's a good deal of an invalid, and my wife doesn't like to leave her." "She must be a very kind woman" and there was a high mature competence in the way the girl sounded the note of approval.

O Sir, to me the loss is nothing!-greatly, sweetly, and most benevolently have you guarded me from feeling it; but for him, I grieve indeed!-I must be divested, not merely of all filial piety, but of all humanity, could I ever think upon this subject, and not be wounded to the soul.

'Aye, the player bishop called out, 'our goodly Queen cometh from a Court that was never yet joined to your Schmalkaldners, nor to them that go by your name, Dr Martinus, thou lecher. Here in England you shall find no heresies but the pure and purged Word of God. Chapuys bent an aged white hand behind his ear to miss no word: his true and smiling face blinked benevolently.

Admittedly the intention of the device is benevolently conceived, and it is strenuously asserted that many persons of corrupt habits and ill-balanced lives, upon waking unexpectedly while passing through these Beneath Parts, have abandoned the remainder of their journey, and, escaping hastily to the outer air, have from that time onwards led a pure and consistent existence; but, on the other foot, those who are compelled to use the caverns daily, freely confess that the surroundings to not in any material degree purify their lives of tranquillise the nature of their inner thoughts.

The great majority of readers, therefore, have good reason to thank Mrs. Botta, that, after having met a great educational need in her own experience, she has benevolently set about supplying the same need in the experience of others.

During tea the Major inquired about George's individual circumstances, and George said that he was an architect. "Student of bricks and mortar, eh?" said the Major benevolently. "How long have you been in the Army?" "Rather less than half a day, sir." The Major, raising his eyebrows, was very interested and kind.

With a confidence as sudden as it was courageous, he hit the General across the chest. The General smiled benevolently. Valderrama, the tramp, the crazy maker of verses, did he ever know what he said?

Over the stone that had fallen several others hung tottering, under which I was obliged to creep. Nothing, however, could deter me from trying to obtain my liberty. When my passage was ready, I wrote letters to my friends at Vienna, and also a memorial to my Sovereign. When the militia left Magdeburg and the regulars returned, I took leave of my friends who had behaved so benevolently.

Psmith smoothed his waistcoat reflectively. "I may be wrong, Comrade Parker," he said, "but it seems to me that the chances of my getting hurt are not so great as you appear to imagine. The person who is in danger of getting hurt seems to me to be the gentleman whose name is on that paper which is now in my possession." "Where is it?" demanded Mr. Parker quickly. Psmith eyed him benevolently.

The parlor was now rapidly filling, and I was in great danger of being thrust into the corner, where I could see nothing, when Aunt Eunice very benevolently drew me near her, saying I should see if no one else did. At last Mr. Ashmore and Carrie came. Anna can tell you exactly what she wore, but I cannot.

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