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The artists, never tiring of the changing charms of this new-found beauty-spot, gave no heed to the passing season. Only cold, and acute bodily suffering could attract their attention. Good, poor, and indifferent revelled in the inspiration-haunted Hills and magnificent sweep of shore. The natives counted their gains with bated breath and dreamed visions of future summers that made them dizzy.

The traveller’s first impressions of Amalfi, which is essentially the beauty-spot of the Riviera of Naples, are usually associated with the old Capuchin convent, long since turned into a hotel and now the bourne of most visitors to this coast.

She remembered that unreasoning panic was it really only yesterday? and went steadily up the path and across the little ditch which Marthy had dug. Why must sordid trouble and dull misery hang over a beauty-spot like this? she thought resentfully. She stopped for a minute on the doorstep, hesitating before she opened the door.

But we were repaid with charming views of hill and vale, a softly-rolling scene dotted with little gray and brown fields, clumps of woodland, rail-fenced pastures, and cabins of the crudest sort for in the autumn-tide, the curse of malaria haunts the basin of the Big Bone, and none but he of fortune spurned would care here in this beauty-spot to plant his vine and fig-tree.

The beauty-spot and plague-spot of the Riviera Arrival at Mentone Hotel des Isles Britanniques English church Her Majesty's Villa Gardens of Dr. Bennett Custom-house Remarks on Mentone A charming walk A word about Brigands An adventure In the cemetery A labour of love A frog concert Excursion to Monte Carlo Lovely coast scenery Castle of Monaco The sombre Olive The exodus of the Caterpillars.

These combined events set the young sailor in motion, for he felt he had a family to provide for, and he wished to make one more mark on the enemy in return for the beauty-spot his wife so gloried in.

Female: like the Black Duck, but not so dark-colored, with more buff and tan markings, and the beauty-spot just the same as the Drake's. Bill blotched with black and orange. A Citizen of North America and many other parts of the world. This is the Wild Duck that has been domesticated and produced all kinds of tame ducks except the one called the Muscovy.

He was standing beside my narrow iron bed with his sleeves still rolled up, wiping his arms with a big white towel. He was smiling as he scrubbed at the corners of his nails, as though to make sure they were clean. The nurse on the other side of the bed was also smiling. So was the carrot-top with the loganberry beauty-spot. All I could see, in fact, was smiling faces.

In my opinion it is the central beauty-spot of the world." "And in mine! And Thomasin will go with you?" "Yes, if she cares to. She may prefer to stay at home." "So you will be going about, and I shall be staying here!" "I suppose you will. But we know whose fault that is." "I am not blaming you," she said quickly. "Oh, I thought you were.

Bass Point is the eastward bluff of this rugged and bare old headland, known to ancient geographers as Ocrinum, the southern extremity of the Britains. With many visitors, to speak of the Lizard is to speak of Kynance. It is Kynance that the guide-books and the artists have chiefly popularised; it is Kynance that is probably the most celebrated beauty-spot on the whole south-Cornish coast.