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My bath-robe, that made me, somehow, feel so aristocratic, so like a member of the leisure class ... I forgot to tell how I had brought it all the way from Kansas, together with my MSS. As I swam about in the brook, not over four feet deep, I sang and shouted. I had never been so happy in my life.... I dried myself in the sun, using its morning heat for a towel....

From the court came the odor of strange flowers, and from the window he could see the ocean brilliantly blue, and with the sun coloring the spray that beat against the coral reefs on the shore. "Well, the consul can't complain of this," he said, with a laugh of satisfaction; and pulling on a bath-robe, he stepped into the next room to awaken Captain Travis.

Two orderlies were wheeling No. 17 back from the operating-room, and Quin already caught the faint odor of ether. The first whiff of it filled him with loathing. Thrusting his bare feet into slippers and his arms into a shabby old bath-robe, he flung himself out of bed and slipped out on the porch.

A skull and cross-bones had been drawn in ink and a message followed: "The presence of Miss Blue Bonnet Ashe is demanded at twelve o'clock to-night, February the nineteenth, at number fifteen Fifth Avenue: the said Miss Ashe to appear in a winding sheet, noiseless shoes and a bath-robe.

"Now," he said, "I'll be back in five minutes. Let me find you sitting here, with your feet in that hot water." Before she could answer, he went out. A thrill of comfort passed through her; she drew the wet stockings over her feet, shivered, slipped out of skirt and waist, put on the warm, soft bath-robe, and, sinking back in the chair, placed both little white feet in the foot-bath.

There I sat, in my strange robe, like a bath-robe, with stars cast over it, waiting. I knew something had gone wrong. I knew inwardly that in a moment all the house would be laughing ... at first out of sheer nervousness over the delay in the progress of the play then from genuine amusement....

From the court came the odor of strange flowers, and from the window he could see the ocean brilliantly blue, and with the sun coloring the spray that beat against the coral reefs on the shore. "Well, the consul can't complain of this," he said, with a laugh of satisfaction; and pulling on a bath-robe, he stepped into the next room to awaken Captain Travis.

I was getting into my slippers and a bath-robe, and Gertrude with shaking hands was lighting a lamp. Then we opened the door into the hall, where, crowded on the upper landing of the stairs, the maids, white-faced and trembling, were peering down, headed by Liddy. I was greeted by a series of low screams and questions, and I tried to quiet them.

She wanted to get us as far away from her as possible. And it certainly was mutual." "There, now, Leslie, you're chattering again," broke in Allison, looking very tall and efficient in his blue bath-robe. "You said you would talk business, and not bleat." "Well, so I am," pouted Leslie. "I guess Cloudy has got to understand about our family."

But I found what may be a possible clue in the dust heap. "Mrs. Carter tells me that in unpacking his grip the other day she took out of the coat of the pajamas some pieces of a telegram. As I figure it, the pajamas were his own. He probably had them on when he effected the exchange." I nodded assent. All I had retained of my own clothing was the suit of pajamas I was wearing and my bath-robe.