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He did his best for a time and times and half-a-time; but at last he began to feel that the strain was becoming intolerable. With desperate ingenuity he sought out the band-master, told him to leave out the rest of the programme, and play "God Save the King," the result being a furious exodus of his guests. Today no such device is needed.

Your man was most particular to stipulate the pink and blue flowered brocades, next the Prince of Wales's." "But you must have the band stop that piece, Mr. Tyers," cried Lady Sarah. "I declare, it is too much for my nerves. Let them play Dibbin's Ephesian Matron." "As your Ladyship wishes," responded the obliging Mr. Tyers, and sent off an uniformed warder to the band-master.

It is decided on; Dechamps retires, the papers go in, the hero goes out what a relief! no inspection of soldiers' dirty kits no parade by day no guards nor rounds by night no fatigue parties of men who never fatigue themselves no stupid court-martial no horrid punishments no reviews to please a colonel who never is pleased, or a general who will swear no marching through streets, to be stared at by housemaids from upper windows, and by dirty boys in the side paths no procession to follow brass instruments, like the train of a circus no bearded band-master with his gold cane to lead on his musicians, and no bearded white goat to march at the head of the regiment.

George was started by the Reverend Edward Burrowes six years before Sir Charles Horner's gift of land for a Mother House led him to suppose that he had made his foundation a permanent factor in the religious life of England. Edward Burrowes was the only son of a band-master in the Royal Artillery who at an impressionable moment in the life of his son was stationed at Malta.

The religious atmosphere of Malta combined with the romantic associations of chivalry and the influence of his mother determined the boy's future. The band-master was puzzled and irritated by his son's ecclesiastical bias.

He plays the violin beautifully. I hope he has brought it along. He plays the old San Luis Rey music. His father was band-master there." Ramona's eyes kindled with pleasure. "Does your mother like it, to have him play?" she asked. Felipe nodded. "We'll have him up on the veranda tonight," he said.

Otherwise, as far as mere money was concerned, she had never suffered. Her accomplishments were numerous. She was passionately fond of music, and was familiar with all the classic compositions. Her voice was finely trained, for she had enjoyed the advantage of the instructions of an Italian maestro, who had been banished, and had gone out to Hong-Kong as band-master in the Twentieth Regiment.

At this moment the band struck up a lively air. What was it? "O this is no my ain lassie, Fair though the lassie be." "You are in great favor, to-day, Hugh," Mrs. Ross said to her husband. "You will have to ask the band-master to lunch with us."

His genial disposition, frank, manly bearing, dignified form and handsome face were sufficient passports irrespective of his other claims to distinction. It is almost needless to add, that Mr. Yorke stood high in the estimation of the band-master, who arranged several airs especially adapted to a number of patriotic songs composed by his talented pupil.

The band-master would not have minded this so much, especially when he was congratulated on his son's enterprise by the wife of the Colonel. Unfortunately this was not enough for Edward, who having got the right side of an unscrupulously romantic curate persuaded him to receive his vows of a Benedictine oblate.