United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

From Salvini I received a pretty casket of lapis, and from Mary Anderson, at that time in the striking beauty of her nineteen years, a small medal bearing a forget-me-not in turquoises. In my dressing-room I counted one hundred and thirty bouquets. That evening we gave our last performance with La Dame aux Camelias. I had to return and bow to the public fourteen times.

"Here are all the maxims I have," he writes to Mme. de Sable; "but as one gives nothing for nothing, I demand a potage aux carottes, un ragout de mouton, etc." "When La Rochefoucauld had composed his sentences," says Cousin, "he talked them over before or after dinner, or he sent them at the end of a letter. They were discussed, examined, and observations were made, by which he profited.

Quant aux pélerinages, on verra en le lisant combien ils étoient multipliés en Palestine, et son livre sera pour nous un monument qui, d'une part, constatera l'aveugle crédulité avec laquelle nos dévots occidentaux avoient adopté ces pieuses fables; et de l'autre l'astuce criminelle des chrétiens de Terre-Sainte, qui pour soutirer l'argent des croisés et des pélerins, et se faire

Sus! debout allons voir l'herbelette perleuse, Et votre beau rosier de boutons couronné, Et vos oeillets aimés auxquels aviez donné Hier au soir de l'eau d'une main si soigneuse. Harsoir en vous couchant vous jurâtes vos yeux D'être plus tôt que moi ce matin éveillée: Mais le dormir de l'aube, aux filles gracieux,

In accordance with this command, Matilda built the beautiful Abbaye aux Dames at Caen, where her eldest daughter, Cecile, afterward took the veil, and William founded, at the same place, the Abbey of St. Stephen, of which Lanfranc was the first abbot.

The Vicomtesse and I exchanged a look of understanding. Relief was plain on her face. It was she who answered. "We have met him by chance, Monsieur. He has just left for Terre aux Boeufs." "Terre aux Boeufs! What the dev I beg your pardon, Madame la Vicomtesse, but you give me something of a surprise.

Quand, simple citoyen, soldat d'un peuple libre, Aux bords de l'Éridan, de l'Adige et du Tibre, Foudroyant tour

It might thus seem that we were leaving danger well behind, after having travelled so many heavy leagues, but it was yet several hundred miles to Louisburg, our destination; and we had escaped only immediate danger. We passed Isle aux Coudres and the Isles of Kamaraska, and now we ventured by day to ramble the woods in search of game, which was most plentiful.

Monsieur Pabourgeot, Elector, wholesale stocking merchant, Rue Saint-Denis on the corner of the Rue aux Fers. I permit myself to address you this letter to beg you to grant me the pretious favor of your simpaties and to interest yourself in a man of letters who has just sent a drama to the Theatre-Francais.

The Opera Comique gave several performances of familiar operas each week, rendered patriotic by the recitation of the Marseillaise by Madame Chenal clothed in the national colors with a mighty Roman sword with which to emphasize "Aux armes, citoyens!"