United States or Guernsey ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"It is a superb night, and the fresh air would be delightful after these hot rooms." I assented gladly; so we dismissed the cab, and went out, arm-in-arm, along a labyrinth of quiet streets lighted by gas-lamps few and far between, and traversed only by a few homeward-bound pedestrians.

Mr Walcot replied by timidly offering his arm, which Hester accepted, and they entered the church together. The Rowlands were already in their pew. There was a general commotion among the children when they saw Mrs Hope and Mr Walcot walking up the aisle arm-in-arm. Matilda called her mother's attention to the remarkable fact, and the little heads all whispered together.

Alien people, an alien country, a wretched form of civilisation all that is not so easy, brother, as walking on the Nevsky Prospect in one's fur coat, arm-in-arm with Nadyezhda Fyodorovna, dreaming of the sunny South. What is needed here is a life and death struggle, and I'm not a fighting man.

The old father and Kiryak, both drunk, walking arm-in-arm and jostling against each other's shoulders, went to the barn where Olga and Marya were lying. "Let her alone," the old man persuaded him; "let her alone.... She is a harmless woman.... It's a sin...." "Ma-arya!" shouted Kiryak. "Let her be.... It's a sin.... She is not a bad woman." Both stopped by the barn and went on.

Archie and Dahlia had gone arm-in-arm up the hill to look at a view, Simpson was helping Myra with the hampers, and Thomas, the latest arrival from town, was lying on his back, telling them what he alleged to be a good story now going round London. Myra told it to me afterwards, and we agreed that as a boy it had gone round the world several times first.

Plain Hannah limped on the sideway, being afflicted with corns which, as she expressed it, always "came on" at the end of a day's pleasuring. Vie and Clemence, arm-in-arm, were deep in sentimental conclave. Darsie, the last of the line, hung back of intent until a curve in the road hid the others from sight.

They walked away silently, still arm-in-arm, towards the shady groves and spreading pastures beyond the cathedral precincts. The verger, who was elderly and slow, called after them in a feeble voice as they went away: "Maybe you'd like to see the cathedral, gentlemen; it's well worth seeing." But he received no answer. The two men were out of hearing, or did not care to reply to him.

A lad of about twenty stepped ashore from the schooner Jane, and joining a girl, who had been avoiding for some ten minutes the ardent gaze of the night-watchman, set off arm-in-arm. The watchman rolled his eyes and shook his head slowly. Nearly all his money on 'is back, he said, and what little bit 'e's got over he'll spend on 'er.

There was no happiness, no face free from care, excepting where lovers passed arm-in-arm. There was the clash of ideas, the struggling of opinions, the blind leading the blind. He saw the socialistic orator contending with a dozen others. Who were the nostrum vendors? Which was the truth?

At the entrance, Rudolph and Miss Dimpleton found themselves face to face with Anastasia, who had returned from market, bearing a heavy basket of provisions. "Well done!" exclaimed the portress, looking at them both with a knowing and significant air; "already arm-in-arm! That's your sort! Young people will be young people and where's the harm? To a pretty lass, a handsome lad!