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The two first we met were walking arm-in-arm, in very close and friendly conference; they informed us that one of them was intended for a duke, and the other for a hackney-coachman.

The two went homewards arm-in-arm, dancing down the hillsides, and singing gaily as they went. But suddenly, when they were still some way from the town, Merle stopped and pointed. "There," she whispered "there's mother!" A solitary woman was walking slowly in the twilight over a wide field of stubble, looking around her.

You must have no train nothing to make movement difficult. That's all right. Don't trust yourself to anyone but me, sweet-heart! I'll come to you in good time!" "Yes, Boy, yes! I'll come with you," said mother softly. They went out of the room arm-in-arm, never once looking at me.

While ambition made him work tolerably hard, as far as he could do so without attracting observation, the line he took was to disparage industry, and ally himself with the merely cricketing set, with some of whom he might be seen strolling arm-in-arm, in loud conversation, at every possible opportunity.

She stood in awe of the sight till her limbs failed her, and then staggering to him she fell on her knees, clasping his, passionately kissing them. Mr. Raikes and his friend Frank Remand, surnamed Franko, to suit the requirements of metre, in which they habitually conversed, were walking arm-in-arm along the drive in Society's Park on a fine frosty Sunday afternoon of midwinter.

She was clearly anxious get rid both of father and son, and agreed that the sooner they went the better. We walked back arm-in-arm to the Colonel's quarters in the Old Town, Mrs.

They amuse themselves chiefly by running along the streets in long rows, arm-in-arm, singing 'Hossen hossen-hossen! They also treat each other to 'Nieuw rood met suiker' black currants preserved in gin with sugar until they are all quite tipsy, and woe to any quiet pedestrian who has the misfortune to pass their way, for with loud 'Hi-has' they encircle him and make him 'hos' with them.

The two Abbots and I ran into the front room and peeped through the blind when we heard he was going by, and Miss Nash came and scolded us away, and staid to look through herself; however, she called me back presently, and let me look too, which was very good-natured. And how beautiful we thought he looked! He was arm-in-arm with Mr. Cole."

But to-night, monsieur ha, ha! to-night, monsieur, you and me, two princes, M. le Duc de Winterset and M. le Duc de Chateaurien ha, ha! you see? we are goin' arm-in-arm to that ball, and I am goin' have one of those looks, I! And a rose! I! It is time. But ten minute', monsieur.

But there were also, in the course of the evening, waltzes and quadrilles, and even walks arm-in-arm during which the lovers could touch each other and talk. "Then, my Ramuntcho," said Gracieuse, "it is of that game that you expect to make your future, is it not?"