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At the time appointed they sat in darkness in the body of the projection room Lobel, Quinlan, Geltfin and Appel, these four and none other behind a door locked and barred. Promptly on Quinlan's order the operator in the box behind them started his machine and the accomplished rough draft of the great masterpiece leaped into being and actuality upon the lit square toward which they faced.

Budlong to the spot as soon as they were finished eating. Everyone who had fishing-tackle decided to avail himself of this wonderful opportunity, and they all followed Mr. Appel except Mr. and Mrs. Stott, who preferred to fish by themselves from the bridge over the Yellowstone river. They were the last to leave but returned in not more than twenty minutes, Mr.

Canby throwed them long-horns in there on purpose." "I'm sure of it," Wallie said, grimly. "Yes, I'll watch Aunt Lizzie. But she isn't worse than Appel, who was over there catching grasshoppers because he said they were fatter." "Dudes is aggravatin'," Pinkey admitted. "But," philosophically, "they're our meal-tickets, so we got to swaller 'em."

Mrs. Appel protested against Mr. Appel thus recklessly exposing himself to danger but Mr. Appel was mulish in the matter. "If, by chance, one should come into camp I would have a good look at him. I may never have another such opportunity." "If you want to take your life in your hands, well and good." So, after supper, Mr.

"Yes, a dozen of them. They do remind me so of my dear Southland." Miss Gaskett was from Maryland. "The summer wouldn't be the same without either of you," he replied, gallantly. Miss Gaskett shook a coquettish finger at him. "You flirt! You have pretty speeches for everyone." Wallie did not seem displeased by the accusation as he passed on to Mrs. Appel.

He concluded by asserting emphatically that if it had not been for his foresight in providing himself with field-glasses, the steer would have been running over the flat with Aunt Lizzie empaled on its horns like a naturalist's butterfly, before any one could have prevented it. Mr. Appel opined, when Mr. Penrose had finished, that "Canby made a poor showing."

Do you know, I've been thinkin' we ought to make out a scale of prices for lettin' 'em work around the place. They'd enjoy it if they had to pay for it dudes is like that, I've noticed. They're all pretty well fixed, ain't they?" "Oh, yes, they all have a good deal of money, unless, perhaps Miss Eyester, and I don't know much about her in that way. But Mr. Penrose, Mr. Appel, and Mr.

Cone was not one to "cotton" to everybody, and it would be a long time, he told himself sadly, before these old friends could be replaced in his affections. He would have listened gladly to the story of how Mr. Appel got his start in life; he was hungry for the sight of Mrs. C. D. Budlong sitting like a potted oleander; he would have welcomed Mr.

When a case, whether civil or criminal, has been decided in the Regular Tribunals, there is no possibility of appeal in the strict sense of the term, but an application may be made for a revision of the case on the ground of technical informality. To use the French terms, there cannot be appel, but there may be cassation.

But she sat erect and unyielding at the far end of the veranda while he was in the midst of a sympathetic leave-taking from the guests of The Colonial. There were tears in Mrs. Budlong's eyes when she warned him not to fall into bad habits, and Wallie's were close to the surface when he promised her he would not. "Aw you'll be back when it gets cold weather," said Mr. Appel.