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Updated: August 3, 2024

George the Third was the only King I ever saw, and I never wish to see another King. The last time I saw him was when he was getting out of his carriage at the Star, at Andover, on his return from Weymouth; which place he never after visited. His eyesight was then nearly gone, and his attendants were obliged to guide his feet, and to lead him like a child into the Inn.

He was professor of philosophy in Smith College, was called by those entitled to judge, the most promising young psychologist in this country, and a brilliant future was prophesied for him. One thing, supremely, I may say that I learned from the Andover life, or, at least, from the Andover home. That was an everlasting scorn of worldliness I do not mean in the religious sense of the word.

My companion on this visit was William R. Renton, at one time a resident of Andover, Massachusetts. His present address is the Coventry Ordnance Works, Coventry. A friend of mine has been lieutenant in a battery of 75's stationed near Pervyse. His summer home is a little distance out from Liège. His wife, sister-in-law, and his three children were in the house when the Germans came.

It was the third day since Pete's arrival and he was alive but just alive and that was all. One peculiar feature of the case was the fact that the bullet a thirty-eight which had pierced the right lung, had not gone entirely through the body. Andover, experienced in gun-shot wounds, knew that bullets fired at close range often did freakish things.

"It's a good thing Bob's going off to Harvard this fall. Seems to me I heard about some cutting up at Andover eh, Bob?" Bob grinned, showing a line of very white teeth. Mr. Merrill took Jethro by the arm and led him off a little distance, having a message of some importance to give him, the purport of which will appear later. And Cynthia and Bob were left face to face.

Daniel James Noyes, D. D., Professor Emeritus of Intellectual and Moral Philosophy and Political Economy at Dartmouth College, being in term of service next to the senior instructor in that institution, died at Chester, N. H. He was born in Springfield, Sept. 17, 1812; was fitted for college at Pembroke, and was graduated from Dartmouth in 1832; after graduation was a tutor at Columbian College at Washington; was graduated from the Andover Theological Seminary in 1836, and then for one year was a tutor at Dartmouth.

Has he said anything to you about " The surgeon paused and cleared his throat. "No. He just stares at me. Sometimes he smiles and, Dr. Andover, I've been here two years and I'm used to it, but I simply can't help feeling that he ought to have a chance." The surgeon studied her wistful face and for a moment forgot that he was the head-surgeon of the General, and that she was a nurse.

"Cassandra is one of the institutions at Andover," said he; "most fellows have to take a course in Cassandra to complete their education." "Yours seems to be very complete," Cynthia retorted. "Great Scott!" he exclaimed, looking at her, "no wonder you made mince-meat of the Honorable Heth. Where did you learn it all, Cynthia?" Cynthia did not know.

Although brought up in Jacobite principles, he transferred his attachment to the Hanoverian dynasty when a relation of his wife married a valet of George II. The wife, Alicia Grove, was daughter of a tradesman who had made a small competence at Andover. Jeremiah Bentham had fallen in love with her at first sight, and wisely gave up for her sake a match with a fortune of £10,000.

Up to the very last moment he played, he was eager to learn everything he could that would improve his game. He had lots of football ability. "You know Mahan was a great star at Andover. He kicked wonderfully there and was good in all departments of the game, and he improved a hundred per cent. after he came to Harvard."

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