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We could not wait for our breakfast, but gathered round La Grosse Américaine like a parcel of children while she cut and spread slices of bread-and-butter for us. After our regular meal was finished, it was decided that sister Margaret should take Josette, and return with Mâtâ to open the house and make it ready for our reception.

I hav' zee grief to vound zee feelin's of zat so fine actrice Americaine zat ees one tr'ubles, und den I hav' zee shame to mak' zat grande fool meestak' oh, mon Dieu! I tak' her for zee maid, und zare my most great tr'uble come in! I hav' no one with zee right to keek me to keek me hard from zee back for being such a fool.

"La belle Américaine," replied the man beside her, "a friend of the host." "Oh! Not of the hostess?" "Oh, I don't know. I met her last night " "Steepleton is ahead wins in a walk." "Oh, she's rich? The castle needs a new roof? Will it be in time for next season?" The gentleman said he knew nothing about it. Keith turned and faced Alice Lancaster.

Wilmott, had wagered five or ten louis on Martinez and had shown a decided admiration for his remarkable skill with the cue. "He used to talk about this lady," said one of the markers; "he called her his 'belle Américaine, but I am sure he did not know her real name."

I have learned it on a voyage to San Francisco. It is Americaine. It is like life, not altogether luck. One must think well to play it. I doubt not that you know that game." Now gambling is forbidden in these isles.

"And so the petite Americaine was not too oh, not too " those French eyebrows were saying. All in an instant Virginia was something quite different from a little girl with a dimple. "You are very kind," she was saying, and her mother herself could have done it no better, "but I am sure our little joke had gone quite far enough.

The charming fat boy gave her a beaming smile and determined to take an extra quantity to the beautiful Americaine if he lost his job as spitter. The dinner was a great success. Elise did come directly from the station as they had hoped she would, and she was so happy at being made one of the gay little crowd in the Rue Brea and so grateful to Mrs.

"There's a lobster Americaine that was in Hipps' honour. But perhaps you don't care for shellfish, Barraclough." "No, no, thank you. Prefer a Spartan diet. Glass of water and a piece of bread." "Bread? Yes. I hope the baker remembered to call. Be awkward if Well, come along, Chief, no good letting things get cold." They passed out of the room and the bolt slammed home.

A titled woman of France fell in love with one of them, and there were all sorts of high jinks. As to the young girl La Belle Americaine they called her it seems that Paris could not have enough of her. She was all the rage. She taught them the dances of the 'sauvages. 'Tres interessantes' the Frenchmen thought these dances, it seems. That's all we know of her she danced.

I was received with great kindness and volubility by the immense hostess, "la grosse Américaine," as she was called, and she soon installed me in the arm-chair, in the warmest corner, and in due time set an excellent supper before us. But her hospitality did not extend to giving up her only bed for my accommodation.