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And if every Vendome scholar would speak the truth, he would confess that, in later life, an Academician of the great French Academy seemed to him far less remarkable than the stupendous boy who wore the cross and the imposing red ribbon which were the insignia of our "Academy."

Cousin, who examined, for the first time, a vast array of MS. sources, deliberately lowered the value of La Rochefoucauld in order to enhance the merit of the lady, of whom the learned academician wrote like a lover. Even Esprit was thrown into the scale to lighten the weight of the Duke's originality.

A large photograph of Lady Mary held the chief place over the mantel-piece, representing her in the fullness of her beauty, a photograph which had been taken from the picture painted ages ago by a Royal Academician.

"Did not I tell you, madame, that it was necessary that I shall go," cried the stranger. "My dear sir," interrupted the academician, "you ought to say that I should go!" Then there come, lyre in hand, certain poets whose whole animal strength has left the ground floor and mounted to the upper story.

The spectacle of a summer traveller from London sketching mediaeval details in these neo-Pagan days, when a lull has come over the study of English Gothic architecture, through a re-awakening to the art-forms of times that more nearly neighbour our own, is accounted for by the fact that George Somerset, son of the Academician of that name, was a man of independent tastes and excursive instincts, who unconsciously, and perhaps unhappily, took greater pleasure in floating in lonely currents of thought than with the general tide of opinion.

A friend of mine, who happens to be a Liberal journalist, went to a private dinner recently to meet M. Painlevé, the French Academician, Senator Lafontaine, of Brussels, and two other French and Belgian deputies. And in the next issue of the London Mail the question was asked, "Who were the foreigners with whom dined?" You see the insinuation. You see how the idea grows.

You can imagine the effect of this vivacity upon the profoundest of men, and you can see how this clever woman's ability at small talk made a comrade of a notable academician. As the dinner progressed the talk between these two wavered from jest to earnest in a most charming manner.

Did you ever see a more modern figure than Tintoretto's portrait of himself, the elderly man in a frock-coat who looks on at his own wonderful picture of St. Mark descending to rescue a Christian slave? An Academician or a new English Art Clubbite who had done only one tiny corner of this picture would so swell as to the head that his laurel-wreath wouldn't fit him any longer.

He told it, omitting nothing essential that could touch the heart or excite the ironical humour of an academician. Well, 'truth is more wonderful than fiction," said the doctor. And I conclude the readers of this tale are all of the doctor's opinion; so sweet to the mind is cant. Alfred offered his certificates. Now Dr.

But he had a beautiful death, for he died in consequence of an illness contracted when saving a life from shipwreck he who, with his own hand, had taken the lives of so many! Monsieur Voltaire, gentleman-in-waiting to Frederick the Great, possessor of the much prized Order Pour Le Merite, Academician, and many other things besides, had been for three years a guest at Sans-Souci, near Potsdam.