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This spot, which was at once elegant, pleasant, and retired, was embellished with many little ornaments of her own invention, and with some drawings executed by her sister. The cioset was adjoining her chamber, and was separated from the apartments of madame only by a short gallery.

You will blush for the name which, as your wife, Antoinette will disgrace. Now leave me." She pointed to the door, and, too much incensed to reply, he quitted the room with a suppressed oath, slamming the door behind him. Cornelia went up to her own apartment and, without ringing for her maid, took off the elegant dress she wore, and threw her dressing gown round her.

Santon to his daughter, as the door closed upon one of the mustached upper ten, who frequently found their way to the elegant mansion of Mr. Santon. "'New strung' with an old string, father; if these exquisites are foolish enough to burn their fingers a second time, they must suffer the consequences." Mr.

The campo was hard, composed chiefly of a stiff red clay soil and covered with short grass in most places; but here and there were rank bushes of long hairy grasses, around and amongst which grew a multitude of the most exquisitely beautiful flowerets and plants of elegant forms.

In this room there were to the right a large cupboard and a table, and to the left a winding staircase, which an elegant official in uniform was descending with a portfolio under his arm. In this room an old man with long, white hair and a patriarchal appearance attracted every one's attention. He wore a short coat and grey trousers. Two attendants stood respectfully beside him.

On men, on things, on the past as on the future of parties, he had very clear and really novel views, which were evidently not borrowed from the newspapers; and he put them forth in lively, easy, and elegant language; so that after his departure Monsieur de Ronquerolles and Monsieur de l'Estorade declared themselves positively surprised at the strong and powerful political attitude he had taken.

It must be confessed if the reports, which have come down to us of that long and elegant oration be correct that the enthusiasm of the burgomaster for Alexander was rapidly degenerating into idolatry. "We are not here, O invincible Prince," he said, "that we may excuse, by an anxious legation, the long defence which we have made of our homes.

It always hurts to have one's thunderous tragedies turn out realistic dialogues. "I wonder if you would like to meet her. She's awful well educated, but I dunno maybe she'd strike you as kind of snobbish. But she dresses I don't think I ever seen anybody so elegant. In dressing, I mean. Course" hastily "she's got money, and so she can afford to. But she's oh, awful nice, some ways.

Dot didn't understand any of the figures of the dance; but the scenery was so lovely, and so was the pink sunset, and the Native Companions were so elegant and gay, that, catching up her ragged little skirts in both hands, she followed their movements with her bare brown feet as best she could, and enjoyed herself very much.

Yet if Alphonsus of Arragon be still a name endeared to us for his love of literature, and for that elegant testimony of his devotion to study expressed by the device on his banner of an open book, how much more ought we to be indulgent to the memory of a sovereign who has written one still worthy of being opened?