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Would she nod goom for mooch money, you zink?" "I do nod zink she could be persuaded to coom," said his equerry. "No: she would nod goom," said the grand duke. The baron had an inspiration; he said in a stern voice: "Ze day, 'ighness; ze day will goom soon. Zen you will gommand only; and Bollyooly will obey." "Ach, yes: ze day," said the grand duke, watching the playing children.

"Yes," answered Williamson, without going into particulars. "I haven't happened to get a detail out in your direction and my health has been unfortunately good, so I haven't seen you for moons, not since the night at the Zink, last Thanksgiving." "You newspaper men see more of the fellows than a man in my profession can hope to do," said the physician.

I’m afraid that alone counterbalances the debt, and when it comes to my being the means of your taking a bath in mixed company and spending an evening in a locked room, there’s no doubt the balance is greatly on your side.” “I zink so,” observed the Baron. “So I’ll tell you a true story, a favour with which I haven’t indulged any one for some considerable time.”

For daughters ha' mornen when mothers ha' night, An' there's beauty alive when the fairest is dead; As when one sparklen wave do zink down from the light, Another do come up an' catch it instead.

Not long vas ven I see ze Lady Hilton drive past mit ze ozzer Lady Hilton and vun old lady. I raise my hatno bow from zem. ‘Pairhaps,’ I zink, ‘zey see me not.’ Zey stop by ze side to speak viz a gentleman. I gomed up and again I raise my hat and I say, ‘How do you do, Lady Hilton? I hope you are regovered from ze dance.’ Zat was gorrect, vas it not?”

"It make me so much joy to zink of ze day when I shall be back in mine own Havana." "Knew I had seen you there. You would'nt be likely to remember me, however. Let us fill our glasses, and drink to the pleasant days we have spent there " "Oh, it is so many years since I was so happy zare," interrupted Gusher, coolly. They filled their glasses and drank to the happy days they had spent in Havana.

However, I dare say Farrel knows the man well enough and will protect himself accordingly. By the way, Farrel is violently opposed to Japanese colonization of the San Gregorio." "You zink he have prejudice against Japanese people?" "I know it, Mr.

It was a huge building composed largely of bamboo wooden-planks and wicker-work, with a high thatched roof, and it stood, like all the other houses, on posts formed of great tree-stems which rose eight or ten feet from the ground. "You have frunds here too, I zink," said Verkimier to the hermit, as they ascended the ladder leading to the door of the hall.

Whack "Nine-hundred-en-ten;" whack "nine-hundred-en-'leven," whack, "Zare ees almoost une tousan trees what you boys mus' cut awraty. What you zink of zat?" said Paul Nez, the big French-Canadian lumber cruiser, as he hacked a blaze into a six-inch poplar and left his short hatchet wedged fast while he felt through his pockets for a handkerchief.

"Ve shall lose no time, sir," he added. "Zis is ze most amazing zink zat efer haf I heard, and I esteem it great honour to haf ze opportunity to introduce you to ze excellent firma vat supply you viz petrol for your so vonderful machine. Vun minute until I tell Herr Schwankmacher, zen ve go doublequick."