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"I prefer stuffed birds to live ones, I confess." The Seraph said apologetically: "And I pwefer gin to gwuel any day." "Gin! Where did you taste gin?" Without reply The Seraph hurried on, while Angel and I scraped our bowls: "There was once a student fellow and he didn't yike live birds, either. He poisoned one and it died. Mrs.

Handsomebody's head looked abnormally large to me, and seemed to be whirling round and round. Surely she was not getting like the cobbler's wife! Mrs. Handsomebody was still scolding: "You began the day by introducing a canary of the lowest proclivities into my case of stuffed birds, where he perpetrated irreparable damage " The Seraph interrupted, "Don't you yike live birds, Mrs. Handsomebody?"

And I finded it all mysef in the man's shop. Do you yike it, Mopsy?" "Indeed I do," cried Marjorie; "it's just what I wanted. I shall keep it on my dressing-table at Grandma's, and then I'll know just when to get up every morning." "Open mine next," said Kitty; "it's the square flat one, with the blue ribbon."

But she is littler. And you mustn't spend much money. Mother said I spent too much for my rab-yit. That I ought to save it for Our Men. And you mustn't eat what you yike we've got a card in the window, and there wasn't any bacon for bref-fus." "Breakfast." "Yes. An' we had puffed rice and prunes " Nurse, coming up, was immediately on the job. "You are getting mud on Mr. Derry's spats, Teddy.

I interrupted, thoughtlessly, at last. "Who do?" "The lady. When she was tight." "So that is where your thoughts were," said Mrs. Handsomebody, angrily, "nice speculations indeed, for a little boy!" "I should yike a little nushment, please," interrupted The Seraph in his turn. "Not nourishment, but punishment is what you will get, young man," replied our governess, tartly.

"Well," he replied, "since you ask me seriously, I should say this little curl on The Seraph's nape." The Seraph felt for it. "I yike it," he said, "but I yike my wart better." "Good gracious," exclaimed the Bishop. "Don't tell me you've a wart!" "Yes, a weal one," chuckled The Seraph. "It's little, but it's gwowing. I fink some day it'll be as big as the one on Mrs. Handsomebody's chin.

"Here goes!" said Arcot. He pushed over the little red control. At full power, the air filled with the strain of flowing energy and actually broke down in spots with the terrific electrical energy of the charge. There were little snapping sparks in the air, which, though harmless electrically, were hot enough to give slight burns, as Wade found to his sorrow. "Yike!

"Yaya's got a blush upstairs, a lubbly blush," she said, disdaining even to look at the parcel. I held it toward her, undid it, I squeaked the squeak, I called the rabbit endearing names; but to no purpose. Sara looked the other way. A look I at last persuaded her to bestow upon the rabbit; but she gazed at its charms, unmoved. "Yaya doesn't yike nasty bunnies, only nice blushes," she said.

She was followed and gently reasoned with, but her only explanation was that she did n't "yike to eat wiv so many peoples." Persuasion bore no fruit, and for a long time Miss Polly ate in solitary grandeur.

The Seraph was the first to recover, piping cheerfully "I yike piwates!" "Yes," repeated the old gentleman, reflectively, "pirate as ever was. The things I've seen and done would fill the biggest book you ever saw, and it'd make your hair stand on end to read it what with fights, and murders, and hangings, and storms, and shipwreck, and the hunt for gold!