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"I saw your pa a little before I started, and he sent you a note. It's in my satchel. He said he was coming up next week. What a lot of people there are in this world! And what on earth are all of them laughing about? Did none of them ever hear of sickness, or sorrow, or death? Billy, don't you go to playing Indian or chasing woodchucks until you get out of those clothes.

His bright black face was turned a little anxiously toward the front fence. Over in the road beyond that there stood a white boy, of about his own size, and he was calling: "Quib! Quib! Come here!" "Dar he goes!" said Julius. "Dey'e got him agin. He's de bes' dog for woodchucks, he is! An' I can't go 'long.

And, when the men had put in the little flat pieces of stone, one of them looked up and smiled at the little boy and said that they called the thin, flat pieces "chocks." "Not woodchucks," he said, "but just chocks." The little boy smiled and nodded. He had never seen a woodchuck, but there was a picture of one in his animal-book. It wasn't a very good picture.

He would say, as he went by in the morning, "How thick the pigeons are! If working every day were not my trade, I could get all the meat I should want by hunting-pigeons, woodchucks, rabbits, partridges by gosh! I could get all I should want for a week in one day." He was a skilful chopper, and indulged in some flourishes and ornaments in his art.

Hooray for Chief Sapwood!" and Guy had no cause to complain of lack of appreciation on the part of the others. He swelled out his chest and looked proud and haughty. "Wished I knew where there was some more Woodchucks," he said. "I know how to get them, if the rest don't." "Well, that should count for a grand coup, Sappy." "You tole me you wuz goin' to call me 'Hawkeye' after this morning."

If he saw a fox near he went down in the door of his den, or if the enemy was very near he went inside and stayed long enough for the danger to pass. One morning Vixen and her mate seemed to decide that it was time the children knew something about the broad subject of Woodchucks, and further that this orchard woodchuck would serve nicely for an object-lesson.

I have raised beans that were beans, and I have raised birds, besides, and beasts, a perfectly enormous crop of woodchucks; I have cultivated everything up to the stars; but I find it necessary to hang on a while yet to my talkin' job in the city.

They had all helped him chase woodchucks at one time or another, and he had great confidence in them, but that was nothing at all to their confidence in him. The pasture bars did not stop a single one of the woodchuck-hunters. All the boys went over while Quib was wriggling under, through a hole he knew, and there, almost right before them was the stone-heap.

I was sure he had not seen me, yet a chip of rock flying from where he had stood was my only satisfaction; he had dodged again. They are related to the woodchucks as well as to the hare, and they live wholly at or above timber-line, burrowing among the fallen and decomposing rocks which crown the summits of all the mountains.

"I know'd ye was a fool, Chris McKeen, but I didn't know ye was so many kinds of a mush-head of a fool!" "Course it's a woodchuck!" agreed Chris, surging on his paddle. "Do ye think I'd let the leetle critter go down the 'Trough, jest so's ye could git your bacon an' tea an hour sooner? I always did like woodchucks, anyways."