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"Proud day, ma'am," said Hop, as Ken helped his mother into the wagon, "Proud day, I'm sure." "As if I were a wedding or something," whispered Mrs. Sturgis. "Ken, I'm excited!" She looked all about at the unwinding view up Winterbottom Road so familiar to Ken, who was trying to see it all with fresh eyes. They climbed out at the gate of the farm, and Hop turned his beast and departed.

"They always stan' in front of me, so's I can't get out," he said. "Well, my lad, you've only to ASK them," she replied. "An' then Alfred Winterbottom says, 'What do they teach you at the Board-school?" "They never taught HIM much," said Mrs. Morel, "that is a fact neither manners nor wit and his cunning he was born with." So, in her own way, she soothed him.

Sometimes in winter the air scorched the throats of the people, coming in from the freshness. Mr. Winterbottom was rather small and fat, and very bald. He made remarks that were not witty, whilst his chief launched forth patriarchal admonitions against the colliers.

A counter went across, dividing it into half. Behind the counter stood two men Mr. Braithwaite and his clerk, Mr. Winterbottom. Mr. Braithwaite was large, somewhat of the stern patriarch in appearance, having a rather thin white beard. He was usually muffled in an enormous silk neckerchief, and right up to the hot summer a huge fire burned in the open grate. No window was open.

The other ladies had also taken their respective seats, as allotted by the mistress of the revels; the tables were covered by many of the good things of this life; the soup was ready in a tureen at one end, and Tom had just placed the fish on the table, while Mr Quince and Winterbottom, by the commands of Titania, were despatched for the wine and other varieties of potations.

As you were; support the word support is only a caution arms, too too." "Two and two make four," observed one of the seamen. Lieutenant Winterbottom had another party on the lee-side of the quarter-deck. "Ram down cartridge. Number 12, slope your musket a little more too too only two taps at the bottom of the barrel. Return ramrods.

Ken chopped down two dead apple-trees, and filled the shed with substantial fuel. The Asquam Market would deliver out Winterbottom Road after May first. Trunks came, with old clothes, and Braille books and other books and things that Felicia had not been able to leave behind at the last moment.

Phil scoffed and reproved him, and he departed, whistling "Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep," lugubriously. His brother and sister caught up with him, and they all walked together toward Asquam, Ken bound for his boat, and the others for the "vendu," which was held at an old farm-house where Winterbottom Road joined Pickery Lane.

Quince having deposited his load, was about to sit down, when a freak came into Tom's head, which, however, he dared not put into execution himself; but "a nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse," says the proverb. Winterbottom stood before Tom, and Quince with his back to them. Tom looked at Winterbottom, pointing slily to the frying-pan, and then to the hinder parts of Quince.

"And, therefore, will we try the effect of it upon his senses." Mr Tinfoil then played the air in "Midas": "Pray, Goody, please to moderate," etcetera. During which Mr Winterbottom looked more sulky than ever. As soon as the air was finished, another of the party responded with his flute, from the other boat while Mr Quince played what he called base, by snapping his fingers.