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And from the tip of every peak, swaying, undulating, flaring out broadly against the azure sky, streamed gigantic snow-banners, miles in length, milky and nebulous, ever waving lights and shadows and flashing silver from the sun. "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord," Smoke chanted, as he gazed upon these dusts of snow wind-driven into sky-scarves of shimmering silken light.

Straight, but often storm-swept, was the southerly run to La Paz over on the desolate shore of the long, arid peninsula, and the green surges were rolling higher every moment and bursting in thunder into clouds of wind-driven, hissing spray on the rocks beyond the point.

Still his legs carried him on, past lamp-post after lamp-post of the wind-driven promenade, now almost deserted. And presently the high lighted windows of the grandest hotels were to be seen, cut like square holes in the sky; and then the pier, which had flung a string of lanterns over the waves into the storm; and opposite the pier a dark empty space and a rectangle of gas-lamps: Regency Square.

Weatherall, sir, promised, personally, that if I called again, he'd kick me down the steps. Bommaney groaned. 'What do you want with me? he asked again. They were standing by this time outside the doors of a public-house, and the wind-driven rain was pelting down heavily. 'I thought, sir said Hornett; 'I'm very hard pressed, sir. The dog-like, propitiatory smile never varied.

The boat lay on the water, under no headway, drifting slightly with the wind-driven ripples. Then Eph raised the man-hole cover of the top of the conning tower, thrusting out his head to hail them. "Hey, you landsmen, do you know a buoy from an umbrella!" "Do you know the difference between a Sunday-school text and petty larceny?" retorted Jack Benson, sternly.

Turning he sped to the edge of a cliff that rose near by, where, because of its steepness, there was no wall. Here for a while he ran up and down till the wind-driven fire from new-lit huts at its brink leapt out upon him like thin, scarlet tongues. He threw himself to the ground, he rose again, beating his head with his hand, for his long hair was ablaze.

The pale locks of the youths were clustered within circlets of translucent, glimmering gems like moonstones. And then, crystal globe alternately before and harp alternately held by youth and maid, they began to sing. What was that song, I do not know nor ever shall. Archaic, ancient beyond thought, it seemed not with the ancientness of things that for uncounted ages have been but wind-driven dust.

So this was the meaning of the giant reciprocal engine! Instead of the screw propeller which characterized earth's aircraft, these vessels employed the true bird principle, combining it with the simple methods of primitive sailing craft. As soon as the ship stopped its wind-driven rush and began to employ its wings, the speed straightway slackened; and the ships began to descend.

Dalgard withdrew a little way downstream and took up a similar post. The runners were shy, not easy to approach. And they would come more readily if Sssuri were alone. Here the murmur of the stream was loud, rising above the rustle of the wind-driven grass. And the night was coming fast as the sun, hidden by the cliff wall, sank into the sea.

But his boy, old Jimmy's grandson, is still a lamplighter still illuminating the streets of his town, still turning on its lamps when the loon calls weirdly across the river in the gathering dusk. He bears no ladder nor fitful taper he dreads no sultry summer heat he breasts no snowdrifts he battles against no wind-driven sleet and rain.