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Two others had the peculiar look of obstinate men who have been giving free rein to their vice, indulging in an orgy of what they call willpower. Their faces were, at the same time, implacable and ridiculous, but they walked impressively. The Judge was sent for. Two or three minutes elapsed before he came in. During those minutes there was no coughing and scarcely any moving.

"I see that many will be helped as a result of today's efforts provided that Sal can muster the willpower to work and not just eat," he said, smiling warmly. "And don't forget to have a good time." We meditated a moment. "Guru put a special force on the posters," Atmananda said, breaking the silence and handing the stack to my brother.

Upon his release after the Armistice, he was examined by a British doctor, who told him, to his amazement, that every trace of his dire disease had vanished, nor were the most eminent specialists of Harley Street subsequently able to distinguish the faintest lingering signs of tuberculosis. He was completely cured, or rather by his strong willpower he had completely cured himself.

It recalled him to life. His willpower asserted itself, and he refused to die. The will of a man has, if it is strong enough, the power to reject death. He was not in the least conscious of the exercise of this power; he only knew that a great and absorbing interest had suddenly arisen in him, and that a great aim stood before him the recovery of the children.

"Willpower isn't everything, Patty," said Nan, whose face had assumed a curious and somewhat wistful look; "at least, it may be in literature, but it won't do all I want it to." "What do you want, girlie?" said Patty. "I never knew you had an ungratified ambition gnawing at your heart-strings." "Well, I have; I want to be a singer." "You do sing beautifully," said Marian. "I've heard you."

Such and such a man or woman stands to another as ten is to thirty, as one to five; and there is a certain degree of energy which no one of us ever exceeds. The quantity of energy, or willpower, which each of us possesses diffuses itself like sound; it is sometimes weak, sometimes strong; it modifies itself according to the octaves to which it mounts.

For five years, I lived like a criminal who would shun the light of day and avoided the company of other men. My spirit had been clouded by a feeling of powerlessness, as if that blow which had struck me down had shattered whatever organ had been in charge of my willpower. "That it had not been destroyed, but only paralysed, I felt when the news of you speaking out against the tribunal arrived.

This was what Gervaise had been dreading. She guessed that the subject of Lantier and Adele would now come up. Virginie had moved close to Gervaise so as not to be overheard by the others. Gervaise, lulled by the excessive heat, felt so limp that she couldn't even summon the willpower to change the subject.

After that, Hanlon engaged to go to the hiding place and find the knife, on condition that Mr. Mortimer would follow him, and concentrate all his willpower on mentally guiding or rather directing Hanlon's footsteps. The blindfolding, which was done in full view of the front ranks of spectators, was an elaborate proceeding.

Payment was made in half a dozen different forms, in settlement of anti-French claims and in installment notes, and so forth. But something between a million and two million dollars of it is said to have been paid in silver." "Are you a schoolmaster, Mr. Brice?" queried Milo, who seemed unable to avoid sneering in futile fashion at the man who was dominating his wavering willpower. "No, Mr.