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He thought more of the Colonel than he did of me; and I've started out, even if it is a little late, to prove that he was on the square." He stopped abruptly, for in his rush of words he had failed to note the anger in her eyes, until now she turned and faced him. "Oho!" she said, "so that's your idea you're going to whipsaw Blount out of his mine?" "If I can!" hedged Wiley.

Had her put on a flat car, and hired half the teams in the district to haul her to the lake. Now, I guess there are men in this country who, if they wanted a boat, would just take an ax and whipsaw and build one out of the woods." Weston laughed. He was commencing to understand the man better, for he had met other men of Stirling's description in Canada.

Drawings of the Iowa man's machine were secured, and Tom set Hugh at the task of doing what he called "getting round" the other fellow's patents. "Do the best you can and we'll go ahead," he said. "You see we've got the money and that means power. Make what changes you can and then we'll go on with our manufacturing plans. We'll whipsaw this other fellow through the courts.

High or low, red or black, odd or even, coppered or open, on the corner or let her rip, last turn and in the middle, from soda-card to hock, them brier-whiskered sons-of-guns would whipsaw my poor little bank till there wasn't much left of her but sawdust. Yes, sir," mourned Mr.

Across the lake, a mile above a roaring torrent, they located a patch of spruce and built their saw-pit. Here, by hand, with an inadequate whipsaw, they sawed the spruce- trunks into lumber. They worked night and day. Thrice, on the night-shift, underneath in the saw-pit, Old Tarwater fainted.

You know how the ice is on the grass roots in this country well, the Indian planted Dave under a foot of soil in short, he put Dave on ice. Dave could have stayed there a thousand years and still been the same old Dave. You understand just the same as a refrigerator. Then the Indian brings over a whipsaw from the cabin at Surprise Lake and makes lumber enough for the box.

There was an old trapper whose only cognomen among the civilized men of the border was "Whipsaw." Of course he must have had another, but none ever knew of it or cared to inquire. One day, while in his lonely camp attending to his duties, a Sioux Indian brought to him a captive Pawnee child about two years old. The little savage was stark naked and almost frozen.

If you got confidence in Burman, all I can say is well, your pa was a fine judge of men, and I don't see why you shouldn't have the gift." "Between you and me, Uncle Peter, I am a good judge of human nature, and I know this much about Burman: when he does win out he'll win big. And I think he's going to whipsaw the market to a standstill this time, for sure.

The carpenters were required not only to build houses, barns, sheds and other structures, but also boats, and had to hew out or whipsaw many of the timbers and boards used. The carpenter whose name we meet oftenest was Thomas Green, who married Sally Bishop.

One cold night, after twelve o'clock, Whipsaw happened to get out of bed, and he found the little Pawnee sitting upright in his bed, apparently listening intently to some sound which was perfectly undistinguishable to other ears. The station-boss whispered to him, "Horses?" "No," replied the little Pawnee, but continued looking up into his father's face with an unmistakable air of seriousness.