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They could get a little of the rest they need to carry on the fight of life to help support wife, child, father, husband; but religeon is too much for 'em the religeon that the Bible declares is mild, peacible, tender. It clangs and bangs and whangs at 'em till the day of rest is a torment. "Now the Lord wouldn't approve of this.

Comin' down the homestretch, only needin' about one more jump for it ain't above a quarter of a mile Jose, he stands up in his stirrups and pulls off his hat, and just whangs old Pinto over the head with it, friendly like, to show him there ain't no coldness. "We never did rightly know what happened at that time.

As I sewed the whangs through the rips and hastily patched the holes I could see her worriment was increasing. That period of delay was more trying to her fortitude than when we were making the détour around Chillicothe and our very lives hung on luck, or the mercy of her manito. "There is something in the river," she whispered, her slight figure growing rigid. "Only a log," I told her. "Look!

No man makes his own hap. No penny, no pardon. Of the Earth mon the dike be biggit. Of other mens leather, men take large whangs. Over hot, over cold. Of two ills choose the least. Over meikle of any thing is good for nothing. Of ane ill comes many. Of enough, men leave. Over high, over laigh. Of need make Virtue. Over fast, over loose. Of all War, Peace is the final end.

Stewart, with his own appetite satisfied, was acting lackey to the gentlemen in the byre fetching out cogies of milk and whangs of bear-meal bannock, and the most crisp piquant white cheese ever I put tooth to.

Davis greatly admired the awl I bought over the mountains, although it was no more serviceable than the one he had made from the back spring of a clasp-knife. A settler might be unfortunate enough not to possess a gun, but there was none who did not carry a moccasin-awl attached to the strap of his shot-pouch, a roll of buckskin for patches and some deerskin thongs, or whangs, for sewing.

He would buy and sell and "swap" anything, but in swapping no bargain was ever completed unless there was money for Foxy in the deal. He had goods second-hand and new, fish-hooks and marbles, pot-metal knives with brass handles, slate-pencils that would "break square," which were greatly desired by all, skate-straps, and buckskin whangs.

His inconsequent babble at first frightened her, for she had never before seen a person in delirium, nor heard of the insistence with which one harps upon some fantasy seized upon by a diseased mind. "She thinks you're a skunk, Steve. So you are. She's dead right dead right dead right. You lied to her, you coyote! Stand up in the corner, you liar, while she whangs at you with a six-gun!

When the old London Musee was next door and everybody knew how to have a good time." The automatic piano in the penny arcade whangs dolorously into a forgotten tango. The two errand boys stand with their eyes glued on the interiors of the picture slot machines "An Artist's Model" and "On the Beach at Atlantic City." A gun pops foolishly in the rear and the 3-inch bullseye clangs.

Got into an argument with Sinclair, and, not being armed, he had it out with fists. He was beating up Sinclair pretty bad him being a good deal of a man when Gaspar sneaks up and whangs him on the back of the head with the butt of his Colt. They rode off and left him for dead. But pretty soon he wakes up. He comes on into Sour Creek, rarin' and tearin' and huntin' for revenge.