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"Oh, wall! if you are goin' to quote readin', why can't you quote from 'The World'? you can't combine Bible and politics worth a cent. And the Chinaman works too cheap are too industrious, and reasonable in their charges, they hain't extravagant and they are too dumb peacible, dumb 'em!" "Josiah Allen!" says I firmly, "is that all the fault you find with 'em?" "No, it hain't.

They could get a little of the rest they need to carry on the fight of life to help support wife, child, father, husband; but religeon is too much for 'em the religeon that the Bible declares is mild, peacible, tender. It clangs and bangs and whangs at 'em till the day of rest is a torment. "Now the Lord wouldn't approve of this.

But I only thought these thoughts to myself, fur I knew every women there wuz peacible and law abidin' and there wuzn't one of 'em but what would ruther fall offen her barell then go agin the rules of the Methodist Meetin' House. Yes, I tried to curb down my rebellous thoughts, and did, pretty much all the time.

And she wuz a-travellin' along peacible, with her father's old mair, and a-leanin' back in the buggy a readin' a article her father had sent over by her to Deacon Widrig, a witherin' article about female Deaconesses, and the stern necessity of settin' 'em apart and sanctifyen' 'em to this one work deacon work and how they mustn't marry, or tackle any other hard jobs whatsumever, or break off into any other enterprize, only jest plain deacon work.

They don't want to vote! They don't care a cent about bein' path-master or President. And I say, that after givin' a man a fair trial and a long one, if he won't try to buy or sell a vote, it is a sure sign that he can't asimulate with Americans, and be one with 'em; that he can't never be mingled in with 'em peacible. And I'll bet that I'll start the Catholics out and the Jews.

They could get a little of the rest they need to carry on the fight of life to help support wife, child, father, husband; but religeon is too much for 'em the religeon that the Bible declares is mild, peacible, tender. It clangs and bangs and whangs at 'em till the day of rest is a torment. "Now the Lord wouldn't approve of this.

And she wuz a-travellin' along peacible, with her father's old mair, and a-leanin' back in the buggy a readin' a article her father had sent over by her to Deacon Widrig, a witherin' article about female Deaconesses, and the stern necessity of settin' 'em apart and sanctifyen' 'em to this one work deacon work and how they mustn't marry, or tackle any other hard jobs whatsumever, or break off into any other enterprize, only jest plain deacon work.

But I only thought these thoughts to myself, fur I knew every women there wuz peacible and law abidin' and there wuzn't one of 'em but what would ruther fall offen her barell then go agin the rules of the Methodist Meetin' House. Yes, I tried to curb down my rebellous thoughts, and did, pretty much all the time.

With my mind in the heroic state it was then, I couldn't curb it down onto Ashes of Moses, or roses, or any thing else peacible. I felt that this color, remindin' me of two grand heroes, Bismark, John Brown, suited me to a T. There wus two wimmen who stood ready to make it, Jane Bently and Martha Snyder. I chose Martha because Martha wus the name of the wife of Washington.