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"I've kept the little sprig you gave me," he added, apparently by way of a casual after-thought. "Have you?" Silence fell again and not another word passed between them save a gentle "Good-night" when, the New Year having fully come in, they parted. The dreariest season of the year had now set in, but frost and cold were very seldom felt severely in Weircombe.

One afternoon towards mid-May, a strong yet soft sou'wester gale blew across Weircombe, bringing with it light showers of rain, which, as they fell upon the flowering plants and trees, brought out all the perfume of the spring in such rich waves of sweetness, that, though as yet there were no roses, and the lilac was only just budding out, the whole countryside seemed full of the promised fragrance of the blossoms that were yet to be.

Bunce," said Helmsley, with sudden energy "God bless you!" The time now went on peacefully, one day very much like another, and Helmsley steadily improved in health and strength, so far recovering some of his old vigour and alertness as to be able to take a slow and halting daily walk through the village, which, for present purposes shall be called Weircombe.

Twitt, to quote Scriptural thanksgiving on all necessary occasions! E's a good little chap, our parson, but 'e's that weak on his chest an' ailing that 'e's goin' away this year to Madeira for rest and warm an' a blessid old Timp'rance raskill's coming to take dooty in 'is place. Ah! none of us Weircombe folk 'ill be very reg'lar church-goers while Mr. Arbroath's here."

Weircombe 'll miss 'im for sartin sure!" And this was the general feeling of the whole village when the unexpected departure of "old David" became known. Angus Reay, returning in the afternoon, reported that he had walked half the way, and had driven the other half with a man who had given him a lift in his trap, right into Minehead, but had seen and heard nothing of the missing waif and stray.

When one is familiar with a person, one often fails to perceive the beauty that is apparent to a stranger. I believe this to be so I believe, in general, we may take it to be so." And such was the impression that most of the Weircombe folks had about Mary that she was just "a part of the village."

Thanks be to the Lord no motors can ever come into Weircombe, they tears round an' round by another road, an' we neither sees, 'ears, nor smells 'em, for which I often sez to my wife 'O be joyful in the Lord all ye lands; serve the Lord with gladness an' come before His presence with a song! An' she ups an' sez 'Don't be blaspheemous, Twitt, I'll tell parson' an' I sez 'Tell 'im, old 'ooman, if ye likes! An' when she tells 'im, 'e smiles nice an' kind, an' sez 'It's quite lawful, Mrs.

The whirr and noise of the panting engine confused Helmsley's ears and dazed his brain, after his months of seclusion in such a quiet little spot as Weircombe, and he was seized with quite a nervous terror and doubt as to whether he would be able, after all, to undertake the journey he had decided upon, alone.

Because, if you should discover that I am objectionable to her in any way, it would be better for me, I think, to go straight away from Weircombe, and fight my trouble out by myself. Then, you see, she would never know that I wanted to bother her with my life-long presence.

He quoted the beautiful words from the Imitation of Christ reverently and tenderly. "Is that not true, my Mary?" he said, kissing her. "Yes, Angus! For us I know it is true! I wish it were true for all the world!" And then there came a lovely day, perfectly brilliant and intensely calm, on which "old David," was quietly buried in the picturesque little churchyard of Weircombe.